Swedish Dual Language short stories – Learning Swedish through English
Aesop’s Fables – Räven och kråkan
Once upon a time, there was a fox who lived in the woods. One day he was walking around the forest searching for something to eat when he saw a crow sitting on top of a tree. The crow was holding a very large piece of cheese in its mouth.
TranslateDet var en gång en räv som bodde i skogen. En dag gick han runt i skogen och letade efter något att äta, när han såg en kråka sitta i ett träd. Kråkan höll en mycket stor bit ost i munnen.
The fox thought, “Such a tasty piece of cheese. I must trick this crow and eat the cheese for my breakfast.”
He sat down under the crow and stared up. He looked as if he was admiring the crow.
TranslateRäven tänkte, ”En så god ostbit. Jag måste lura den här kråkan och sedan äta osten till frukost. ”
Han satte sig under kråkan och stirrade upp. Han såg ut som om han beundrade kråkan.
“Oh wow. What a beautiful creature you are?”
The crow stared at him very suspiciously. No one had called her beautiful before. She did not open her mouth.
Translate”Åh wow. Vilken vacker varelse är du? ”
Kråkan stirrade mycket misstänksamt på honom. Ingen hade kallat henne vacker förut. Hon öppnade inte munnen.
The fox continued, “How beautiful you look. You have such an even tone on all your feathers. How beautifully they shine. Such a beautiful bird must have a very lovely voice, since she seems to be perfect in beauty. Will she sing for me in her lovely voice? Maybe he voice will be so beautiful that i shall call her the queen of birds?”
TranslateRäven fortsatte: ”Så vacker du ser ut. Du har en så jämn ton på alla dina fjädrar. Så vackert de lyser. En sådan vacker fågel måste ha en mycket härlig röst, eftersom hon verkar vara perfekt i sin skönhet. Kommer hon att sjunga för mig med sin underbara röst? Kanske kommer hennes röst att vara så vacker att jag ska kalla henne fågeldrottningen? ”
The crow was flattered. She had never been praised so much before. She wanted to be called as the queen of birds. She spread her wings, opened her mouth and uttered her loudest caw
TranslateKråkan var smickrad. Hon hade aldrig berömts så mycket förut. Hon ville bli kallad för fågeldrottning. Hon sträckte ut vingarna, öppnade munnen och lät med sitt högsta krax
The cheese fell off her beak straight into the mouth of the Fox.
The fox ate the cheese and went on its way.
TranslateOsten föll från näbben och rakt in i rävens mun.
Räven åt osten och gick vidare.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Swedish confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Swedish Dual Language short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.