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Pojken och hasselnötterna

Swedish Dual Language short stories – Learning Swedish through English

Aesop’s FablesPojken och hasselnötterna


There was once a boy who was very greedy. His mother wanted to teach him a lesson. His mother filled up a jar with Hazelnuts.


Det var en gång en pojke som var mycket girig. Hans mor ville lära honom en läxa. Hans mor fyllde en burk med hasselnötter.


She said to her son, “Child. Do you like Hazelnuts?”

“Yes Mummy! Can I have some?”


Hon sa till sin son: ”Mitt barn. Gillar du hasselnötter? ”

“Ja mamma! Kan jag få lite?”


“Of course dear. You can have all that you want. But on one condition, you should take only one fistful.”


”Naturligtvis kära du. Du kan ha allt du vill. Men på ett villkor. Du ska bara ta en näve. ”


The boy put his hand in, and tried to take out an entire fistful of nuts. But much as he wanted, he could not take his hand out. He stood there without dropping a single nut but still could not take his hand out. Soon his hand began to hurt and he started to cry.


Pojken lade in handen och försökte ta ut en hel näve nötter. Med så mycket som han ville, kunde han inte ta ut handen. Han stod där utan att tappa en enda mutter men kunde ändå inte ta ut handen. Snart började han göra ont och han började gråta.


The other told him, “My child, you should be satisfied with half the nuts in your hand. Then only can you take out your hand. If you try to take more than you can hold, you will easily get your hand out.”


Den andra sa till honom, ”Mitt barn, du borde vara nöjd med halva nötterna i din hand. Då bara kan du ta ut handen. Om du försöker ta mer än du kan hålla kommer du lätt att få ut din hand. ”


Moral: Do not attempt too much at once.


“Försök inte för mycket på en gång.”


Hope you had fun learning Swedish through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Swedish confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Swedish Dual Language short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis. 

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