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Mamman och vargen

Swedish Dual Language short stories – Learning Swedish through English

Aesop’s FablesMamman och vargen


Mr. Wolf was very hungry and was searching for food. He was walking near a hut in the village. The wolf heard a baby crying loudly.



Herr Varg var mycket hungrig och letade efter mat. Han gick nära en koja i byn. Vargen hörde en baby gråta högt.



The Mother said to the baby, “Hush Baby, Hush baby. Stop your crying otherwise I will give you to the wolf.”

The wolf was very happy. He was going to get a baby for lunch today and that too for free. He went near the window and sat down happily.


Mamman sa till barnet: ”Hysch Baby, Hush baby. Sluta gråta, annars ger jag dig till vargen. ”

Vargen var väldigt glad. Han skulle få en baby till lunch idag och det också gratis. Han gick nära fönstret och satte sig lyckligt.


The baby did not stop crying. The baby cried and cried but the mother did not give the baby to the wolf. The wolf was waiting the entire day.

In the end of the day, the mother was putting the baby to sleep.


Barnet slutade inte gråta. Barnet grät och grät men mamman gav inte barnet till vargen. Vargen väntade hela dagen.

I slutet av dagen sov mamman barnet.


“Go to sleep, baby, go to sleep. Don’t worry about the wolf. Daddy is watching you. Our dogs are watching you. Daddy will kill the wolf if he is near you.”

The daddy and the dogs just saw the wolf at that very moment. The wolf had to run to save his own life from the man and the dogs.


”Gå och sova, baby, gå och sov. Oroa dig inte för vargen. Pappa tittar på dig. Våra hundar tittar på dig. Pappa kommer att döda vargen om han är nära dig. ”

Pappan och hundarna såg vargen just i samma ögonblick. Vargen var tvungen att springa från mannen och hundarna för att rädda sitt eget liv.


Moral:Do not believe everything you hear.


“Tro inte på allt du hör.”


Hope you had fun learning Swedish through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Swedish confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Swedish Dual Language short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis. 

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