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Haren och öronen

Swedish Dual Language short stories – Learning Swedish through English

Aesop’s FablesHaren och öronen


The king of the forest, the mighty Lion, was once eating a goat when the horns of the goat pierced him. He was angry. He roared loudly.


Skogens kung, det mäktiga lejonet, åt en gång en get, när getens horn genomborrade honom. Han var arg. Han röt högt.



He was so angry that he called all the animals of the forest to a meeting.

The lion said, “Who dares wear such dangerous crowns on their hears? How dare anyone wear horns?”

Han var så arg att han kallade alla skogens djur till ett möte.

Lejonet sa: ”Vem vågar ha på sig sådana farliga kronor? Hur vågar någon ha på sig horn? ”


The animals remained silent as they were afraid of the lion.

The Lion announced, “Hear me well! Anyone wearing horns should leave the kingdom by tomorrow. If I find anyone with horns, large or small, I shall kill them with my mighty claws.”

Djuren förblev tysta eftersom de var rädda för lejonet.

Lejonet meddelade: ”Hör på mig bra! Den som bär horn bör lämna kungariket i morgon. Om jag hittar någon med horn, stora eller små, ska jag döda dem med mina mäktiga klor. ”


The animals were terrified. All the animals that were born with horns started to pack and leave the kingdom. The remaining animals were praying as they were afraid that the lion would still be angry.

Djuren var livrädda. Alla djur som föddes med horn började packa och lämna riket. De återstående djuren bad, eftersom de var rädda för att lejonet fortfarande skulle vara arg.


There was a very timid rabbit and he was very afraid. When he came out of his burrow in the morning, the morning sun fell on his back. He saw the shadow and his ears looked like he had very big horns.

Det fanns en mycket blyg hare och han var väldigt rädd. När han kom ut ur sitt hus på morgonen, föll morgonsolen på ryggen. Han såg skuggan och hans öron såg ut som om han hade mycket stora horn.


He said, “I shall pack my bags and leave, neighbour Squirrel”

The Squirrel said, “But you have no horns. Why should you leave?”

Han sa, “Jag ska packa mina väskor och lämna, granne Ekorre”

Ekorren sa, ”Men du har inga horn. Varför ska du gå? ”


The Rabbit replied, “The Lion’s anger is blind. He will decide that my ears are horns no matter what I say. It is best if I leave.”

Haren svarade: ”Lejonets ilska är blind. Han kommer att bestämma att mina öron är horn oavsett vad jag säger. Det är bäst om jag lämnar. ”


Moral:  Do not give your enemies the slightest reason to attack your reputation. Your enemies will seize any excuse to attack you.

”Ge inte dina fiender minsta anledning att attackera ditt rykte. Dina fiender kommer alltid ha en ursäkt för att attackera dig. ”


Hope you had fun learning Swedish through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Swedish confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Swedish Dual Language short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis. 

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