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Moneda de oro y justicia

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English

Akbar and Birbal – Moneda de oro y justicia


Akbar wanted to ask Birbal a question to test him. Akbar said, “My dear Birbal, if I tell you to choose between Justice and one gold coin, what would you choose.

Birbal thought for a moment and said, “My King, I shall choose the one gold coin without a doubt.”


Akbar quería hacerle una pregunta a Birbal para ponerlo a prueba. Akbar dijo: “Mi querido Birbal, si te digo que elijas entre la justicia y una moneda de oro, ¿qué elegirías?”.

Birbal pensó por un momento y dijo: “Mi Rey, sin duda elegiré la única moneda de oro.”.


The King and all his courtiers were surprised and shocked by the answer which Birbal had given them. This was not like Birbal. Birbal always stood for Justice and for him to choose a simple gold coin over Justice made Akbar sad.


El Rey y todos sus cortesanos quedaron sorprendidos y consternados por la respuesta que les había dado Birbal. Así no era Birbal. Birbal siempre defendió la justicia, que él eligiera una simple moneda de oro sobre la justicia entristeció a Akbar.


Akbar said, “I am extremely disappointed in you, Birbal. How could you choose one gold coin over Justice? Is Justice not important to you?”


Akbar dijo: “Estoy muy decepcionado de ti, Birbal. ¿Cómo pudiste elegir una moneda de oro en lugar de la justicia? ¿No es la justicia importante para ti?”.


Birbal said, “My King. In this Kingdom, there is Justice everywhere. We have never failed to provide Justice to anyone, rich or poor, intelligent or stupid. If I ask you for Justice, I will not be able to find anyone or anything where there we have failed to provide Justice.”


Birbal dijo: “Mi Rey. En este reino hay justicia en todas partes. Nunca hemos fallado en brindar justicia a nadie, rico o pobre, inteligente o tonto. Si le pido justicia, no podré encontrar a nadie ni nada donde no hayamos podido proporcionar justicia ya.”.


Birbal continued his explanation, “One must ask for what one does not have. I feel that I am always short of money and the Gold coin will be nice. Justice will always prevail in this Kingdom and hence I do not want to ask for it again when there is no need.”


Birbal continuó con su explicación: “Hay que pedir lo que no se tiene. Siento que siempre estoy corto de dinero y la moneda de oro me vendría bien. La justicia siempre prevalecerá en este reino y por eso no quiero pedirla si no es necesario.”.


Akbar was speechless. He had a big smile on his face. Birbal had not failed him and that is all that he wanted to hear. He awarded Birbal with 100 gold coins.


Akbar se quedó sin palabras. Tenía una gran sonrisa en su rostro. Birbal no le había fallado y eso es todo lo que quería escuchar. Le otorgó a Birbal 100 monedas de oro.


Moral: One should choose one’s words wisely.


Moraleja: Se debe escoger las palabras sabiamente.


Hope you had fun learning the Spanish language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.

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