Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English
Aesop’s Fables – La Liebre y la Tortuga
A hare was making fun of a tortoise for being very slow.
The hare said, “Ha Ha, Mr. Tortoise. Look how slow you are and look at how fast I am. You must be so ashamed. Ha Ha.”
TranslateUna Liebre se burlaba de una Tortuga por ser muy lenta.
La liebre dijo: “Ja, ja, señor Tortuga. Mire lo lento que es usted y mire lo rápido que soy yo. Debe estar muy avergonzado. Ja, ja.”
The tortoise ignored the Hare and was walking slowly.
The rabbit continued, “Do you even get anywhere when you walk so slowly? Ha Ha.”
TranslateLa Tortuga ignoró a la Liebre y siguió caminando lentamente.
La Liebre continuó: “¿Siquiera llega a algún lado cuando camina tan despacio? Ja, ja.”
The tortoise looked at the hare angrily and said, “Yes. I can get there faster than you can. I will race you and let us see who the winner is.”
TranslateEl señor Tortuga miró a la Liebre con molestia y dijo: “Sí. Puedo llegar más rápido que usted. Lo reto a una competencia y veremos quién es el ganador.”.
The Hare laughed loudly. “Are you challenging me to a race? You are going to lose so badly! Fine. Let Mr. Fox judge the race and let’s begin.”
TranslateLa Liebre se rió a carcajadas. “¿Me está retando a mí a una carrera? ¡Va a perder terriblemente! Bien. Dejemos que el Sr. Zorro juzgue la carrera y comencemos.”
The rules were simple. The two had to run across the fields and the meadows until the old oak tree and then back.
TranslateLas reglas eran sencillas. Los dos tenían que correr a través de los campos y los prados hasta el viejo roble y luego regresar.
The Hare ran at his full speed and soon was so far ahead that he could not see the tortoise. He was so arrogant that he thought, “Let me sleep for some time just to prove how ridiculous it was for the tortoise to challenge me”.
TranslateLa Liebre corrió a toda su velocidad, pronto estaba tan adelantado que no podía ver a la Tortuga. Era tan arrogante que pensó: “Dormiré por un rato, solo para demostrar lo ridículo que era que la Tortuga me desafiara.”.
He lied down in the grass and slept. The Tortoise meanwhile slowly walked and crossed the place where the Hare was fast asleep. When the Hare woke up, it was already too late. The Tortoise was already at the finish line.
TranslateSe acostó en la hierba y se durmió. Mientras tanto, la Tortuga caminaba lentamente y pasaba por el lugar donde la Liebre dormía profundamente. Cuando la Liebre despertó, ya era demasiado tarde. La Tortuga ya estaba en la línea de meta.
The Hare ran as swiftly as he could but the tortoise had already won the race.
TranslateLa Liebre corrió lo más rápido que pudo, pero la Tortuga ya había ganado la carrera.
Moral: “Slow and steady wins the race.”
TranslateMoraleja: Lento pero constante, ganarás la carrera.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.