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List of 50+ Birds in Portuguese

List of 50+ Birds in Portuguese

In the morning, when you wake up, you hear the sound of a rooster crowing (assuming you wake up at 6:00 AM which I definitely don’t!!!) You can then hear the chirping of many birds, the cooing of pigeons, the hooting of an owl, the caw of a crow and many more. As a child, I spent hours seeing videos and documentaries on the animals channel learning about birds along with the rest of the animal kingdom. Like you learnt about the list of birds in English, a child in Portugal learns about the list of birds in Portuguese although from the TV of course.

I am born to fly and fly I shall!!!
I am born to fly and fly I shall!!!

In order to improve your Portuguese vocabulary, you must try and learn the list of Birds in Portuguese.

Topics to be covered 

  1. How do you say Birds in Portuguese?
  2. Predatory birds in Portuguese
  3. Farm birds in Portuguese
  4. Learn about the water birds
  5. Polar region Birds
  6. Pet birds in Portuguese
  7. List of flightless birds
  8. Other common birds in Portuguese

How do you say <yoastmark class=

How to say Birds in Portuguese?

  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “The Bird” is “o pássaro”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The ostrich is a very large bird.” à A avestruz é uma ave muito grande.
  • WORD: The Portuguese word for “Nest” is “o ninho”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “There are five eggs in the nest.” à Há cinco ovos no ninho.
  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “The egg” is “O ovo”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “I need a dozen eggs.” à Eu preciso de uma dúzia de ovos.


Predatory birds in Portuguese

When you think of a cool bird, you think of the mighty eagle! The eagle soars high above the storm and sees all. You think of powerful birds of prey or predatory birds which are fearsome and awesome at the same time. Let us learn about the different predatory birds in Portuguese with example sentences.

predatory <yoastmark class=

Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in PortugueseExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for Portuguese Birds
The EagleA águiaThe Eagle is the king of birds.A Águia é o rei dos pássaros.
The HawkO FalcãoI saw a hawk yesterday.Eu vi um falcão ontem.
The VultureO abutreThe Vulture eats the lion.O Abutre come o leão.
The CondorO CondorCondors live in North America.Os condores vivem na América do Norte.
The HarrierO HarrierIs the Harrier faster than the falcon?O Harrier é mais rápido que o falcão?
The FalconO FalcãoThe Falcon is the fastest bird in the world.O Falcão é o pássaro mais rápido do mundo.


Poultry Birds in Portuguese

When you go to a firm, you see many birds! There are not just roosters there are, is it not? You can see that the farmer shares his home with many different types of poultry. Let us learn about the different poultry birds in Portuguese or farm birds in Portuguese with example sentences.

Poultry <yoastmark class=

Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in PortugueseExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for Portuguese Birds
The RoosterO GaloThe rooster is very loud.O galo é muito barulhento.
The HenA galinhaI have three hens and one rooster.Tenho três galinhas e um galo.
The duckO patoDucks are excellent swimmers.Os patos são excelentes nadadores.
The gooseO GansoThe goose is angry.O ganso está com raiva.
The swanO cisneIs that a swan?Isso é um cisne?
The turkeyO PeruTurkeys are very ugly.Os perus são muito feios.


Portuguese Water Birds

Birds live in the forests, the polar region, the water, the sky and even in the cities. They are highly adaptable and resilient. There are many different birds which live in the water and I’m pretty sure you know about a lot of them. Let us learn about the different water birds in Portuguese or water fowl in Portuguese with example sentences.

The graceful Swan
The graceful Swan
Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in PortugueseExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for Portuguese Birds
The flamingoO flamingoFlamingos are pink in colour.Flamingos são de cor rosa.
The pelicanO pelicanoThe pelican has a large beak.O pelicano tem um bico grande.
The duckO patoThere are many ducks in PortugalHá muitos patos em Portugal
The storkA cegonhaThe stork carries the baby.A cegonha carrega o bebê.
The swanO cisneThe swans are graceful.Os cisnes são graciosos.
The kingfisherO martim-pescador / O KingfisherYou can see Kingfishers in India.Você pode ver Kingfishers na Índia.
The craneO guindasteCranes and Herons are quite tall.Guindastes e garças são bastante altos.
The heronA garçaThe heron has long legs.A garça tem pernas longas.
The ibisO íbisIn Egypt, you can see the Ibis.No Egito, você pode ver o Ibis.
The albatrossO albatrozThe albatross has the biggest wings.O albatroz tem as asas maiores.


The Penguin in Portuguese

Do you know that Birds can live in the harshest and coldest continent in the world, Antarctica? They not only live there but thrive in the desolate freezing polar region. Let us learn about the different polar birds in Portuguese.

WORD: What is Penguin in Portuguese Language? “O pinguim”

What is Penguin in Portuguese Language?
What is Penguin in Portuguese Language?
Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in PortugueseExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for Portuguese Birds
The penguinO pinguimPenguins are very cute.Os pinguins são muito fofos.
The snowy owlA coruja nevadaThe snowy owl is silent.A coruja nevada está em silêncio.
The petrelO petrelThe petrel lives in Antarctica.O petrel vive na Antártida.
The emperor PenguinO pinguim imperadorThe emperor Penguin is the largest penguin in the world.O pinguim imperador é o maior pinguim do mundo.
The puffinO papagaio-do-marThe puffin lives in Antarctica.O papagaio-do-mar vive na Antártida.

All pet birds in Portuguese

You would have seen many people having birds as pets in their own house. Birds make excellent companions and have vibrant personalities. Let us learn the names of the different pet birds in Portuguese.

Pet <yoastmark class=

Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in PortugueseExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for Portuguese Birds
The parrotO papagaioParrots eat nuts and fruits.Papagaios comem nozes e frutas.
The canaryO canárioThe yellow canary is very friendly.O canário amarelo é muito amigável.
The cockatooA cacatuaI purchased a cockatoo.Comprei uma cacatua.
The macawA araraMacaws are common in Brazil.Araras são comuns no Brasil.


Flightless birds found across the world

Now that we have learnt the names of many birds in Portuguese, did you know that there are birds which cannot fly? There are many flightless birds across the world. Let us learn the list of all flightless birds in Portuguese

Ostrich in Portuguese
Ostrich in Portuguese
Birds in EnglishTranslationSentences for Portuguese Birds
The OstrichO avestruzOstrich can run very fast.Avestruz pode correr muito rápido.
The CassowaryO CasuarThe cassowary is the most dangerous bird.O casuar é a ave mais perigosa.
The Kiwi birdO pássaro KiwiYou can find the Kiwi bird in New Zealand.Você pode encontrar o pássaro Kiwi na Nova Zelândia.
The KakapoO KakapoThe Kakapo is almost extinct.O Kakapo está quase extinto.
The DodoO DodôThe dodo lived in Mauritius.O dodô morava nas Maurícias.
The EmuA emaAn emu cannot fly but it can run.Uma ema não pode voar, mas pode correr.


Common birds in Portuguese

Now that we have learnt the names of many birds in Portuguese, let us now focus on one last list of all commonly found birds across the world. This master list will be the most important list since you will come across most of these birds almost daily.

Portuguese Pigeon and Crow
Portuguese Pigeon and Crow
Birds in EnglishTranslation Example sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for Portuguese Birds
The crowO corvoCrows are intelligent birds.Os corvos são pássaros inteligentes.
The pigeonsOs pombosI hate pigeons.Eu odeio pombos.
The hummingbirdO beija-florThe hummingbird can fly backwards.O beija-flor pode voar para trás.
The ravenO CorvoThe raven is black in colour.O corvo é de cor preta.
The OwlA corujaThe owl caught a mouse.A coruja pegou um rato.
The sparrowO pardalI fed the sparrows.Eu alimentei os pardais.
The woodpeckerO pica-pauSeven woodpeckers live in the park.Sete pica-paus vivem no parque.
The doveA pombaThe dove is very pretty.A pomba é muito bonita.


Exotic birds found across the world

Let us now focus on one last list of all super exotic and beautiful birds across the world.

Birds in EnglishTranslationExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for Portuguese Birds
The PeacockO pavãoPeacocks are beautiful birds.Os pavões são belos pássaros.
The MacawA araraThe macaw is colourful.A arara é colorida.
The ToucanO TucanoThe toucan has a large beak.O tucano tem um bico grande.


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