MASTER WORD LIST: What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Portuguese with articles, Pronunciation, origin of words and with tons of examples?
It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in Portuguese? For saying this, you need to know the List of Occupations and Professions in Portuguese.
In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in Portuguese. The below are the main topics which we will cover as a part of this blog.
- What is the terminology for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Portuguese?
- What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Portuguese with articles and Pronunciation?
- Masculine and Feminine nature for professions in Portuguese

Introduction to the List of Occupations and Professions in Portuguese
If you’re to ever learn Portuguese properly, or if you want to live and work in Portugal, you better get to know the terms for List of Occupations and Professions in Portuguese.
It’s of course quite near impossible to list all possible professions, but there are some common ones and the rules that you should know.
- When you want to know someone’s occupation, ask the following question: Qual a sua profissao? or “O que você faz?” (What do you do?)
- Eu sou professor. (male) / Eu sou professora. (female)
Interesting Note about Portugal (and Europe for that matter)
- In Portugal, asking about ones profession is a personal question and should not be asked without being more than an acquaintance.
- If you have to ask (for reason, there may be many), ask your question starting with “Se não se importa que eu pergunte……”, which is, “If you don’t mind me asking …”

Some interesting questions:
- What are the most common occupations or professions in Portugal?
- The industries currently dominating the employment market are health and social care, wholesale and retail trade, and manufacturing.
- The most in-demand jobs are expected to be in construction, followed by the accommodation and food sector, and professional services.
What are the other interesting Portuguese wordlists which I can read after this?
What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Portuguese for A – D?
Why is the list of occupations in Portuguese important? Whether you are a novice or whether you are meeting new people, whether you are discussing with family or whether you are dating, you will have to explain about the job which you are doing, your parents job or the job that you are studying college for.

The list of professions in Portuguese or the list of occupations in Portuguese requires a new list of vocabulary. There are many occupational words to learn in Portuguese and you can find a large list below. This is the list of occupations in Portuguese or Professions in Portuguese for jobs starting from alphabets A – D.
Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
Contador | Accountant | My name is john and I am an accountant | Meu nome é john e sou contador |
Ator / atriz | actor/actress | The actress is very beautiful | A atriz é muito bonita |
arquiteto | architect | An architect built this house. | Um arquiteto construiu esta casa. |
padeiro | baker | The baker and the banker are best friends. | O padeiro e o banqueiro são melhores amigos. |
caixa de banco | bank teller | The bank teller is bored. | O caixa do banco está entediado. |
patrão | boss | The boss sold his shares in the stock market. | O patrão vendeu suas ações na bolsa de valores. |
pedreiro | stone mason | Is John a stone mason? | João é pedreiro? |
corretor | broker | We are brokers. | Somos corretores. |
motorista de ônibus | bus driver | Who is the bus driver? | Quem é o motorista do ônibus? |
açougueiro | butcher | The butcher gave a big bone to the dog | O açougueiro deu um grande osso para o cachorro |
Caixa | cashier | The cashier was stealing. | O caixa estava roubando. |
químico | chemist | Heisenberg is a chemist who makes toothpaste. | Heisenberg é um químico que faz pasta de dente. |
funcionário público | civil servant | India has many civil servants. | A Índia tem muitos funcionários públicos. |
programador de computador | computer programer | When will the computer programer come home? | Quando o programador de computador voltará para casa? |
chefe de cozinha | cook, chef | The chef carries a large knife | O chef carrega uma faca grande |
artesão | craftsman | The craftsman is very strong | O artesão é muito forte |
dançarino | dancer | The dancer loves to dance. | A bailarina adora dançar. |
decorador | decorator | My brother is a decorator | Meu irmão é decorador |
dentista | dentist | I do not like my dentist. | Eu não gosto do meu dentista. |
dermatologista | dermatologist | A dermatologist lives in Unterbiberger road. | Um dermatologista mora na estrada Unterbiberger. |
detetive | detective | A detective followed the car. | Um detetive seguiu o carro. |
Nutricionista | Dietician | The Dietician is very fat. | O nutricionista é muito gordo. |
DJ | DJ | The DJ was very relaxed. | O DJ estava muito relaxado. |
médico | doctor, physician | The doctor owns a hospital. | O médico é dono de um hospital. |
What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Portuguese for E – M?
Well Well well… we are done with so many professions from A – E. The list of professions in Portuguese or the list of occupations in Portuguese is indeed a vast list but nevertheless, we shall persevere.

There are quite a few more occupational words to learn in Portuguese. This is the list of occupations in Portuguese or Professions in Portuguese for jobs from E – M.
Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
eletricista | electrician | The electrician sold motors. | O eletricista vendeu motores. |
Empregado / funcionário | employee | I am an employee of Allianz. | Sou funcionário da Allianz.. |
engenheiro | engineer | The engineer repairs cars. | O engenheiro repara carros. |
Agricultor | Farmer | The farmer sold potatoes and tomatoes. | O agricultor vendia batatas e tomates. |
bombeiro | fire fighter | The fire fighter is very brave. | O bombeiro é muito corajoso. |
pescador | fisherman | Did the fisherman catch crabs today? | O pescador pegou caranguejos hoje? |
barbeiro | Barber | The barber is very skilful. | O barbeiro é muito habilidoso. |
horticultor | horticulturist | She is a horticulturist and she likes flowers. | Ela é horticultora e gosta de flores. |
gerente do hotel | hotel manager | I became a hotel manager when I was 21. | Tornei-me gerente de hotel aos 21 anos. |
Intérprete | Interpreter | I know 6 languages and I am an Interpreter | Conheço 6 idiomas e sou intérprete |
Trabalhador de TI | IT worker | My job is very boring. I am an IT worker | Meu trabalho é muito chato. Eu sou um trabalhador de TI |
Carpinteiro | Carpenter | The carpenter purchased 100 kgs of wood. | O carpinteiro comprou 100 kg de madeira. |
jornalista | journalist | We must hide from the journalist. | Devemos nos esconder do jornalista. |
Juiz | Judge | The judge was very angry because the lawyer was late. | O juiz ficou muito zangado porque o advogado estava atrasado. |
Advogado | Lawyer | The lawyer was late. | O advogado estava atrasado. |
Enfermeira | Nurse | The nurse is very kind. | A enfermeira é muito simpática. |
matemático | mathematician | Rachel is a famous mathematician | Rachel é uma matemática famosa |
mecânico | mechanic | The mechanic learned how to play a piano. | O mecânico aprendeu a tocar piano. |
Comerciante | Merchant | Do merchants stay in this hotel? | Os comerciantes ficam neste hotel? |
Músico | Musician | Mozart was a famous musician. | Mozart era um músico famoso. |
What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Portuguese for N – Z?
THANK GOD!!! That is 2 sets of professions in Portuguese or Occupations in Portuguese which we have just completed…. just one more set of Portuguese professions to go J … This is the list of occupations in Portuguese or Professions in Portuguese for jobs from N – Z.
Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
Pintor | Painter | The painter is very handsome. | O pintor é muito bonito. |
farmacêutico, químico | pharmacist, chemist | Should we go to the pharmacist or the doctor? | Devemos ir ao farmacêutico ou ao médico? |
fotógrafo | photographer | The photographer is very rich and has won many awards. | O fotógrafo é muito rico e ganhou muitos prêmios. |
Físico | Physicist | Leonard was a physicist in Caltech university. | Leonard era físico na universidade Caltech. |
Policial | policeman, constable, police officer | I am afraid of the policeman. | Tenho medo do policial. |
político | politician | The politician does not tell the truth. | O político não diz a verdade. |
carteiro | postman | We are postmen and we want to visit the north pole. | Somos carteiros e queremos visitar o pólo norte. |
Padre | Priest | Where did the priest go? | Para onde foi o padre? |
programador | programmer | Is the programmer drunk? | O programador está bêbado? |
psiquiatra | psychiatrist | My wife is a psychiatrist in Portugal. | A minha mulher é psiquiatra em Portugal. |
repórter | reporter | I met a reporter in Greece. | Conheci um repórter na Grécia. |
carpinteiro | roofer | I hired a roofer to fix the roof. | Contratei um carpinteiro para consertar o telhado. |
vendedor | salesperson | My company hired 100 Salespersons. | Minha empresa contratou 100 vendedores. |
secretário | secretary | The president’s secretary died last week. | O secretário do presidente morreu na semana passada. |
soldado | soldier | A soldier must be brave. | Um soldado deve ser corajoso. |
desportista | sportsman | Beckham was a great sportsman and a fantastic actor. | Beckham era um grande esportista e um ator fantástico. |
cirurgião | surgeon | My sister in law is a surgeon. | Minha cunhada é cirurgiã. |
taxista | taxi driver | The taxi driver is very funny but is also very sad. | O taxista é muito engraçado, mas também muito triste. |
professora | teacher | You are a teacher at Greenbrooke School. | Você é professor na Greenbrooke School. |
guia turístico | tourist guide | I wish to become a tourist guide. | Desejo me tornar um guia turístico. |
Treinador | Trainer | I am the Trainer of Schaun Pete. | Eu sou o treinador de Schaun Pete. |
veterinário | veterinarian | The veterinarian saved my puppy. | O veterinário salvou meu cachorrinho. |
garçom garçonete | waiter – waitress | She was a waitress and now she owns the restaurant. | Ela era garçonete e agora é dona do restaurante. |
enólogo | winemaker | You should not drink because you are a winemaker. | Você não deve beber porque você é um enólogo. |
trabalhador | worker | I am a worker and I work 40 hours every week. | Sou trabalhador e trabalho 40 horas por semana. |
autor | Author | I met JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter. | Conheci JK Rowling, a autora de Harry Potter. |
Gender based split up List of Occupations and Professions in Portuguese
In Portuguese, as with many European languages, there is a gender tense (feminine and masculine) associated with the profession. You can have professions which inherently identify as feminine and you can have professions which inherently identify as masculine.
So in this section we are going to split the entire wordlist of professions into male and female so that it would make your work of studying easier.
FEMININE TENSE for List of Occupations and Professions in Portuguese:
This is the word list for the list of jobs in Portuguese having a Feminine Tense.
English | Portuguese |
female lawyer | advogada |
female student | aluna |
female archaeologist | arqueóloga |
female architect | arquiteta |
actress | atriz |
female ballet dancer | bailarina |
female bank clerk | bancária |
female biologist | bióloga |
female firefighter | bombeira |
female hairstylist | cabeleireira |
female singer | cantora |
female surgeon | cirurgiã |
female accountant | contadora |
female nurse | enfermeira |
female engineer | engenheira |
female writer | escritora |
female judge | juíza |
female mechanic | mecânica |
female doctor | médica |
female painter | pintora |
poetess | poetisa |
female teacher | professora |
female psychologist | psicóloga |
saleswoman | vendedora |
female veterinarian | veterinária |
female chemist | química |
MASCULINE TENSE for List of Occupations and Professions in Portuguese:
This is the word list for the list of jobs in Portuguese having a Masculine Tense.
English | Portuguese |
male lawyer | advogado |
male student | aluno |
male archaeologist | arqueólogo |
male architect | arquiteto |
actor | ator |
male ballet dancer | bailarino |
male bank clerk | bancário |
male biologist | biólogo |
male firefighter | bombeiro |
male hairstylist | cabeleireiro |
male singer | cantor |
male surgeon | cirurgião |
male accountant | contador |
male nurse | enfermeiro |
male engineer | engenheiro |
male writer | escritor |
male judge | juiz |
male mechanic | mecânico |
male doctor | médico |
male painter | pintor |
poet | poeta |
male teacher | professor |
male psychologist | psicólogo |
salesman | vendedor |
male veterinarian | veterinário |
male chemist | químico |