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List of 100+ Animals in Portuguese

List of 100+ Animals in Portuguese / Português

In this super basic blog, we are going to learn about the list of 100+ animals in Portuguese / Português with example sentences.



  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Animals related terms in Portuguese
  3. Pet animals in Portuguese
  4. Names of farm animals in Portuguese
  5. Mammals in Portuguese
  6. Marine Animals in Portuguese
  7. Different Fish in Portuguese
  8. Names of Reptiles in Portuguese
  9. All Amphibians in Portuguese


Portuguese Vocabulary Introduction

One of the “most” important topics in Portuguese A1 is learning the vocabulary for animals in Portuguese. Why? A few examples will cure your doubts as to why you need to understand and learn the names of all animals in Portuguese.

  1. Talking about a pet to someone… Do you like dogs?
  2. Ordering food… One chicken sandwich please?
  3. Ordering clothes and accessories… I like leather jackets and leather wallets
  4. Watching cartoons… literally every cartoon has animals or is completely based on animals!

Let us go through the Portuguese vocabulary for 100+ animals in Portuguese with loads and loads of example sentences in Portuguese and with English translation!!! You will find many of these to be quite easy to memorize and retain as they as super similar to English!


How do you say Animals in Portuguese?

  • The correct word for “The Animal” in Portuguese is “o animal”.
  • The plural for “The Animals” in Portuguese is “os animais”


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Animal related terms in Portuguese / Português?

You might need to be more generic in some cases when talking about animals. For example “PET” is not an animal but is related to animals. These are the main words in Portuguese which you might use on a day to day basis in one way or another. You can learn the list of animal related terms in Portuguese with articles in Singular and in Plural.

PortugueseEnglishEnglish SentencePortuguese Sentence
O animalThe animalWe like animals.Gostamos de animais.
O animal de estimaçãoThe petI have 5 petsEu tenho 5 animais de estimação
O animal selvagemThe wild animalThere are many wild animals in IndiaExistem muitos animais selvagens na Índia
O animal da fazendaThe farm animalThe cow is a farm animalA vaca é um animal de fazenda
O mamíferoThe mammalWhat is a mammal?O que é um mamífero?
O mamífero marinhoThe marine mammalI love marine mammals.Eu amo mamíferos marinhos.
O pássaroThe birdBirds can fly.Pássaros podem voar.
O insetoThe insectI hate insects.Eu odeio insetos.
O réptilThe reptileThe snake is a reptile.A cobra é um réptil.
O anfíbioThe amphibianIs the tortoise an amphibian?A tartaruga é um anfíbio?
O PeixeThe fishThe cat ate the fish.O gato comeu o peixe.
O herbívoroThe herbivoreThe cow is a herbivore.A vaca é herbívora.
O carnívoroThe carnivoreThe lion is a carnivoreO leão é um carnívoro
O onívoroThe omnivoreThe bear is an omnivoreO urso é um onívoro


Names of pet animals in Portuguese

How do you say House Pets in Portuguese? The correct word for “Pet” in Portuguese is “O animal de estimação”. The plural for “The Pets” in Portuguese is “os animais de estimação”

Portugal (or most of the developed countries in Europe) is a very pet friendly country. It is one of the few countries in the world where the number of people to pets is skewed in favour of the pets. If you go for a walk, summer or winter, hail or storm, ice or heat, you are pretty much guaranteed to see a dozen people walking their pets. And of course, many people allow you to play with them which means it’s very important that you know the list of names of all pet animals in Portuguese fluently.

List of pets in Portuguese
List of pets in Portuguese

These are the main words in Portuguese related to house pets which you might use on semi frequent basis in one way or another. You can learn the list of pet related terms in Portuguese in Singular and in Plural.

PortugueseEnglishEnglish SentencePortuguese Sentence
o cachorrodogMy dog eats biscuits.Meu cachorro come biscoitos.
o gatocatI have ten cats.Eu tenho dez gatos.
o ratoratThere are many rat in China.Existem muitos ratos na China.
a vacacowCows are very large.As vacas são muito grandes.
o cavalohorseI want to buy a Horse.Eu quero comprar um cavalo.
o gatinhokittenKittens are cute.Os gatinhos são fofos.
o cachorrinhopuppyI love puppiesEu amo filhotes de cachorro
o CoelhorabbitI have a white rabbitEu tenho um coelho branco
o PeixefishThe cat eats the Fish.O gato come o peixe.
o hamsterhamsterMy son wants a hamster!Meu filho quer um hamster!
a cobaiaguinea pigHer son in law has two guinea pigs.O genro dela tem duas cobaias.
a cobrasnakeSnakes are dangerous.As cobras são perigosas.
o pássarobirdBirds can fly.Pássaros podem voar.
o papagaioparrotA parrot is green in color.Um papagaio é de cor verde.
O lagartolizardLizards are not pets!Lagartos não são animais de estimação!
a tartarugaturtleTurtles are slow.As tartarugas são lentas.


Names of Farm Animals in Portuguese

How do you say Farm Animals in Portuguese? The correct word for “Farm Animal” in Portuguese is “o animal da fazenda”. The plural for “Farm Animals” in Portuguese is “os animais da fazenda”

Portugal (again most of Europe) is a very diary heavy and meat eating country. This of course means that there are a lot of farms in Portugal. And with farms come the farm animals! The farm animals are something even children read about in poems and rhymes and it’s something that you absolutely need to learn and know!

List of all Farm Animals in Portuguese
List of all Farm Animals in Portuguese

These are the main list of farm animals which you call upon to use. You can learn the list of farm animal related terms in Portuguese in Singular and in Plural.

PortugueseEnglishEnglish SentencePortuguese Sentence
A vacaCowThis is a cow.Isso é uma vaca.
O touroBullThe bull is a very large animal.O touro é um animal muito grande.
O cavaloHorseA Horse is quite tall.Um cavalo é bastante alto.
O burroDonkeyHe works like a donkey.Ele trabalha como um burro.
O porcoPigThe pig is very dirty.O porco está muito sujo.
As ovelhasSheepThe sheep is fluffy.A ovelha é fofa.
A cabraGoatI have two hundred goats.Eu tenho duzentas cabras.
O GaloRoosterThe rooster has colorful feathers.O galo tem penas coloridas.
O patoDuckThere are ducks and swans in the lake.Existem patos e cisnes no lago.
O GansogooseThe goose is silly.O ganso é bobo.


Names of Mammals in Portuguese / Português

How do you say Mammals in Portuguese? The correct word for “The Mammal” in Portuguese is “O mamífero”. The plural for “The Mammals” in Portuguese is “Os mamíferos”

Who wouldn’t want to start off their Portuguese knowledge without the study of all mammals? You can learn the list of all mammals in Portuguese with English translation and with Singular and in Plural.

Note that this list includes all the Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores.

List of all Mammals in Portuguese
List of all Mammals in Portuguese
PortugueseEnglishEnglish SentencePortuguese Sentence
O porco-da-terraaardvarkAardvarks eat ants.Os porcos-da-terra comem formigas.
O antílopeantelopeThe antelope is very fast.O antílope é muito rápido.
O babuínobaboonThe king of the baboons carried the lamp.O rei dos babuínos carregava a lâmpada.
O morcegobatThe bat caught the butterfly.O morcego pegou a borboleta.
O ursobearThe grizzly bear is hibernating.O urso pardo está hibernando.
O javaliboarA boar is very strong.Um javali é muito forte.
O camelocamelA camel does not drink water.Um camelo não bebe água.
A chitacheetahThe cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.A chita é o animal mais rápido do mundo.
O coiotecoyoteThe coyote caught the bird.O coiote pegou o pássaro.
O veadodeerMy Dogs play with the deerMeus cães brincam com o veado
O arganazdormouseThe dormouse sleeps a lot.O arganaz dorme muito.
O elefanteelephantShe went on an elephant ride in Thailand.Ela fez um passeio de elefante na Tailândia.
O furãoferretFerrets are not good pets.Os furões não são bons animais de estimação.
A RaposafoxThe fox is sly.A raposa é manhosa.
A girafagiraffeThe giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.A girafa é o animal mais alto do mundo.
O gorilagorillaThe gorilla is an endangered animalO gorila é um animal em extinção
A lebreHareRabbits do not like Hares.Coelhos não gostam de lebres.
O ouriçohedgehogI saw a Hedgehog in Portugal.Eu vi um ouriço em Portugal.
O hipopótamohippopotamusThe hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in the world.O hipopótamo é o animal mais perigoso do mundo.
O leopardoleopardI saw the Leopard and ran away.Eu vi o Leopardo e fugi.
O LeãolionThe lion is the king of the jungle.O leão é o rei da selva.
O lincelynxHave you seen the lynx?Você viu o lince?
O suricatomeerkatMeerkats are timid.Os suricatos são tímidos.
O mangustomongooseThe mongoose caught the snakeO mangusto pegou a cobra
O macacomonkeyI like monkeys but I don’t like gorillas.Eu gosto de macacos, mas não gosto de gorilas.
O alcemooseI saw a moose in Canada.Eu vi um alce no Canadá.
O ratomouseThe rat is bigger than the mouseO rato é maior que o camundongo
A lontraotterThe zoo does not have ottersO zoológico não tem lontras
A panterapantherThe panther lives in south America.A pantera mora na América do Sul.
O ornitorrincoplatypusThe platypus is poisonous.O ornitorrinco é venenoso.
O CoelhorabbitWho ate the rabbit?Quem comeu o coelho?
O guaxinimraccoonWe have many raccoons in our garden.Temos muitos guaxinins em nosso jardim.
A renareindeerSanta has many reindeer.Papai Noel tem muitas renas.
O rinoceronterhinocerosThe Rhinoceros weighs over two thousand kilograms.O rinoceronte pesa mais de dois mil quilos.
A megerashrewThe shrew is blind.A megera é cega.
O esquilosquirrelI gave a cashew nut to the squirrel.Dei uma castanha de caju para o esquilo.
O TigreTigerThe Tiger is ferocious.O tigre é feroz.
A doninhaweaselThe weasel is faster than the mouse.A doninha é mais rápida que o mouse.
O lobowolfIs the wolf larger than a dog?O lobo é maior do que um cachorro?
A zebrazebraA zebra has black stripes.Uma zebra tem listras pretas.


Names of different marine animals in Portuguese

How do you say Marine Animal or Mammals of the sea in Portuguese? The correct word for “Marine Animal or Mammal of the sea” in Portuguese is “mamífero marinho”. The plural for “Marine Animals or Mammals of the sea” in Portuguese is “mamíferos marinhos”

From dolphin to whales, Sharks to stingrays, the animals in the ocean or the marine animals have always held our fascination. You can learn the list of all Sea creatures of marine animals in Portuguese with English example sentences.

PortugueseEnglishEnglish SentencePortuguese Sentence
O caranguejocrabCrabs are tasty.Os caranguejos são saborosos.
O golfinhodolphinThe dolphin is friendly.O golfinho é amigável.
A tartaruga verdegreen sea turtleYou can see green sea turtles in MaldivesVocê pode ver tartarugas marinhas verdes nas Maldivas
A baleia assassinakiller whaleA killer whaleis massive.Uma baleia assassina é enorme.
A lagostalobsterThe lobster is expensive.A lagosta é cara.
O polvooctopusAn octopus has 8 tentacles.Um polvo possui 8 tentáculos.
A ostraoysterThe otter broke the oyster.A lontra quebrou a ostra.
O leão marinhosea lionThe sea lion likes fruits.O leão-marinho gosta de frutas.
O ouriço-do-marsea urchinDid you see a sea urchin?Você viu um ouriço do mar?
A conchaseashellHe sells seashellsEle vende conchas
O tubarãosharkThe shark is deadly.O tubarão é mortal.
O camarãoshrimpThe shrimps are dead.Os camarões estão mortos.
O cachalotesperm whaleMoby Dick is a Sperm WhaleMoby Dick é um cachalote
A lulasquidJapanese people eat SquidsOs japoneses comem lulas
A estrela do marstarfishA starfish is colorful.Uma estrela do mar é colorida.
A arraiastingrayThe stingray is dangerous.A arraia é perigosa.
A morsawalrusThe walrus eats fish.A morsa come peixe.
A baleiawhaleThe whale is massive.A baleia é enorme.
O moluscoclamThe clam is grey in color.O molusco é de cor cinza.


List of all Reptiles in Portuguese

How do you say Reptiles in Portuguese? The correct word for “The Reptile” in Portuguese is “O réptil”. The plural for “The Reptiles” in Portuguese is “Os répteis”

What can be more memorable than the creepy crawly snakes and crocodiles? They are scary and hence always a nice discussion point and hence you might as well do it in Portuguese.

o camaleãothe chameleon
o crocodilocrocodile
a lagartixathe gecko
a iguanathe iguana
a salamandrathe salamander
o lagarto monitorthe monitor lizard
o lagarto com chifresthe horned lizard
a cobra venenosathe poisonous snake
a cascavelthe rattlesnake
a tartaruga marinhathe sea turtle
a cobra gramathe grass snake
a tartarugathe turtle
O lagartolizard
a tartarugaturtle
a cobrasnake


Names of Birds in Portuguese

How do you say Birds in Portuguese? The correct word for “The Bird” in Portuguese is “o pássaro”.  The plural for “The Birds” in Portuguese is “os pássaros”

Now that you’ve learnt the list of animals in Portuguese, why not step into birds? Here you will learn about the names used for different birds in Portuguese language with English translation and with a large number of example sentences.


o melroblackbird
o periquitobudgie
o corvocrow
a pombadove
a águiaeagle
o Falcãofalcon
o Gansogoose
o harrierharrier
a garçaheron
a pegamagpie
o avestruzostrich
a corujaowl
a perdizpartridge
o pavãopeacock
o pinguimpenguin
o falcão peregrinoPeregrine falcon
o pomboPigeon
a codornaQuail
a gaivotaSeagull
o pardalSparrow
o cisneswan
o Peruturkey
o abutrevulture
o pica-pauwoodpecker


Names of some Amphibians in Portuguese 

Done with the list of animals in Portuguese and the list of birds in Portuguese? Excellent!!! Now let us go for the list of amphibians in Portuguese?

Word / PluralMeaning
o sapofrog
o sapo comumthe common toad
a pererecathe tree frog
a salamandrathe salamander


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