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The City Mouse and the Country Mouse – Llygoden y Ddinas a’r Llygoden Wledig

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse – Llygoden y Ddinas a’r Llygoden Wledig


There was once a very happy Country Mouse who lived in the country side. He lived in a tiny house in a hole under a tree. His bed was made of straw and cotton. His table was a small box and his chairs were small round pebbles.


Roedd unwaith Lygoden Wledig hapus iawn a oedd yn byw yn y wlad. Roedd yn byw mewn tŷ bach mewn twll o dan goeden. Roedd ei wely wedi’i wneud o wellt a chotwm. Blwch bach oedd ei fwrdd a cherrig bach crwn oedd ei gadeiriau.


Once during the summer, his friend from the big city visited him. The country mouse was very happy and served him fresh seeds from the trees, wheat stalks and juicy roots. He also gave him a thimble of cold water and an acorn for dessert.


Unwaith, yn ystod yr haf, ymwelodd ei ffrind o’r ddinas fawr ag ef. Roedd y llygoden wledig yn hapus iawn ac fe roddodd hadau ffres o’r coed, coesyn gwenith a gwreiddiau llawn sudd iddo i’w fwyta. Hefyd rhoddodd gwpan fechan o ddŵr oer a mes i bwdin iddo.


The city mouse was not very happy and nibbled here and there just to be polite. In the evening, the city mouse and the country mouse were chatting sitting in the open field.

The town mouse spoke about all about the city and all its luxuries.


Nid oedd llygoden y ddinas yn hapus iawn a dim ond cnoi yma ac acw a wnaeth dim ond i fod yn gwrtais. Gyda’r nos, roedd llygoden y ddinas a llygoden y wlad yn sgwrsio yn eistedd yn y cae agored.

Siaradodd llygoden y dref am bopeth am y ddinas a’r holl bethau moethus a oedd i’w gynnig yno.


“What do you get to eat in the town, Mr City Mouse” asked the country mouse.

“Oh but the best of everything”, he said proudly, “the finest of cheese and bread, the sweetest of pudding, the crunchiest of nuts and even the most tender meat”

“Oh wow. That is so delightful.”

“Yes indeed. A city mouse is the happiest mouse since we get the tastiest of food”


“Beth ydych chi’n ei gael i fwyta yn y dref, Mr Llygoden Tref” gofynnodd llygoden y wlad.

“O, dim ond y gorau o bopeth”, meddai’n falch, “y caws a bara gorau, y pwdin melysaf, y cnau mwyaf crensiog a hyd yn oed y cig mwyaf tyner”

“O waw. Mae hynny mor hyfryd. ”

“Yndi, yn wir. Llygoden ddinas yw’r llygoden hapusaf gan ein bod ni yn cael y bwyd mwyaf blasus ”


“Where do you sleep in the city, Mr City Mouse” asked the country mouse.

“Oh but the best”, he said proudly, “the softest of bed made of silk and sponge. One can sleep forever in such a bed”

“Oh wow. That is so delightful.”

“Yes indeed. A city mouse is the happiest mouse since we get the softest of beds.”


“Ble ydych chi’n cysgu yn y ddinas, Mr Llygoden Tref” gofynnodd llygoden y wlad.

“O, ond y gorau”, meddai’n falch, “y gwely mwyaf meddal wedi’i wneud o sidan a sbwng. Gall rhywun gysgu am byth mewn gwely o’r fath. ”

“O waw. Mae hynny mor hyfryd. ”

“Yndi, yn wir. Llygoden ddinas yw’r llygoden hapusaf gan ein bod ni yn cael y gwelyau mwyaf meddal. ”


“What do you do when you are bored, Mr City Mouse” asked the country mouse.

“Oh but the best”, he said proudly, “I can go to the markets. I can go the theatre. I can relax in the garden”

“Oh wow. That is so delightful.”

“Yes indeed. A city mouse is the happiest mouse since we get the best entertainment”


“Beth ydych chi’n ei wneud pan rydych chi wedi diflasu, Mr Llygoden Tref” gofynnodd llygoden y wlad.

“O, ond y gorau”, meddai’n falch, “Gallaf fynd i’r marchnadoedd. Gallaf fynd i’r theatr. Gallaf ymlacio yn yr ardd ”

“O waw. Mae hynny mor hyfryd. ”

“Yndi, yn wir. Llygoden ddinas yw’r llygoden hapusaf gan ein bod ni yn cael yr adloniant gorau. ”


They spoke and spoke and finally went to sleep. The city mouse saw the straw bed and was very unhappy. Thankfully it was quiet and he was able to sleep well. The next morning, the city mouse asked the country mouse.

“Dear Country Mouse, would you like to visit the city?” and the country mouse was very happy and agreed.


Fe wnaethant siarad a siarad ag o’r diwedd aethant i gysgu. Gwelodd llygoden y ddinas y gwely gwellt ac roedd yn anhapus iawn. Diolch byth ei fod yn dawel ac roedd yn gallu cysgu’n dda. Y bore wedyn, gofynnodd llygoden y ddinas i lygoden y wlad.

“Annwyl Llygoden y Wlad, a hoffech chi ymweld â’r ddinas?” ac roedd llygoden y wlad yn hapus iawn a chytunodd i wneud hynny.


The City Mouse took the country mouse to his home. It was just as he described, a hole in the wall of a huge mansion. The house was huge and filled with velvet and silk. The country mouse was very happy.

They went up the table and the table was filled with cheese and butter and fruits and jellies and nuts. When the country mouse was just about to eat a bite, they heard a loud mew of a cat. They ran and hid in the wall in fear until the cat went away.


Aeth Llygoden y Ddinas â llygoden y wlad i’w gartref. Yn union fel y disgrifiodd, twll yn wal plasty enfawr. Roedd y tŷ yn enfawr ac yn llawn melfed a sidan. Roedd llygoden y wlad yn hapus iawn.

Aethant i fyny’r bwrdd ac roedd y bwrdd wedi’i lenwi â chaws a menyn a ffrwythau a jelïau a chnau. Pan oedd llygoden y wlad ar fin bwyta brathiad, clywsant fewian uchel gath. Fe wnaethant redeg a chuddio yn y wal mewn ofn nes i’r gath fynd i ffwrdd.


They went up the table again to eat. When the country mouse was just about to eat a bite, they heard a loud bark of a dog. They ran and hid in the wall in fear until the dog went away.

They went up the table once more to eat. When the country mouse was just about to eat a bite, the door opened and many people came in. They ran once more and hid in the wall in fear.


Aethant i fyny’r bwrdd eto i fwyta. Pan oedd y llygoden wledig ar fin bwyta brathiad, clywsant gyfarthiad ci uchel. Fe wnaethant redeg a chuddio yn y wal mewn ofn nes i’r ci fynd i ffwrdd.

Aethant i fyny’r bwrdd unwaith eto i fwyta. Pan oedd llygoden y wlad ar fin bwyta brathiad, agorodd y drws a daeth llawer o bobl i mewn. Fe wnaethant redeg unwaith eto a chuddio yn y wal mewn ofn.


“Come, we can eat outside in the market” said the City Mouse and they went to the market. There were so many people there. The country mouse was almost stepped on so many times. They ran back to their home and ate some old bread.


“Dewch, gallwn ni fwyta y tu allan yn y farchnad” meddai’r Llygoden Tref ac fe aethon nhw i’r farchnad. Roedd cymaint o bobl yno. Bu bron i lygoden y wlad gael ei sathru gymaint o weithiau. Fe wnaethant redeg yn ôl i’w cartref a bwyta ychydig o hen fara.


The country mouse packed his bags and said to the town mouse “You can have all the luxuries and the tastiest of food. You may have the best of markets and the softest of beds. I only want the safety of my home where I can walk out and feel like a king.”


Paciodd llygoden y wlad ei fagiau a dweud wrth lygoden y dref “Gallwch chi gael yr holl bethau moethus a’r bwyd mwyaf blasus. Efallai bod gennych chi’r marchnadoedd gorau a’r gwelyau mwyaf meddal. Dim ond diogelwch fy nghartref rydw i eisiau lle rydw i’n gallu cerdded allan a theimlo fel brenin. ”


Moral: Poverty with security is better than plenty in the midst of fear and uncertainty.


Moesol: Mae tlodi gyda diogelwch yn well na digon yng nghanol ofn ac ansicrwydd.


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