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Tenali Raman y el gato

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English

Tenali Raman – Tenali Raman y el gato


One day, King Krishnadevaraya was discussing in his court about cats. King Krishnadevaraya loved cats and he had many cats in his palace.


Un día, el rey Krishnadevaraya estaba en su Corte discutiendo sobre gatos. El rey Krishnadevaraya amaba a los gatos y tenía muchos gatos en su palacio.


King Krishnadevaraya said, “Cats are the most intelligent animals in the world. They can climb trees, run very fast, do tricks and even catch the fastest prey by tricking them.”


El rey Krishnadevaraya dijo: “Los gatos son los animales más inteligentes del mundo. Pueden trepar árboles, correr muy rápido, hacer trucos e incluso atrapar a las presas más rápidas engañándolas.”.


The ministers agreed. One minister said, “That is true, my King. My cat can do a flip without its back touching the ground.”


Los ministros estuvieron de acuerdo. Un ministro dijo: “Eso es cierto, mi Rey. Mi gato puede dar una voltereta sin que su espalda toque el suelo.”.


Another minister said, “That is nothing. My cat can climb a wall which is over 12 foot tall!”

Another minister said, “That is easy. My cat can swim across the river to catch fish!”


Otro ministro dijo: “Eso no es nada. ¡Mi gato puede trepar una pared de más de 12 pies de altura!”.

Otro ministro dijo: “Eso es fácil. ¡Mi gato puede cruzar el río nadando para atrapar un pez!”.


Each of the ministers started boasting about their cats. King Krishnadevaraya said, “Let us have a completion. Bring me a cat which can do something which no other cat can. I shall give you a 100 gold coins.”


Cada uno de los ministros comenzó a jactarse de sus gatos. El rey Krishnadevaraya dijo: “Lleguemos una conclusión. Tráiganme un gato que pueda hacer algo que ningún otro gato puede hacer. Les daré 100 monedas de oro.”.


There were many ministers and each brought a cat. Each cat did a variety of tricks but it was repeated by some other cat.


Había muchos ministros y cada uno trajo un gato. Cada gato hizo una variedad de trucos, pero otro gato los repetía.


Tenali Raman brought his cat and said, “My King. My cat will do something which no other cat in the world will do. Just give me one bowl of milk.”


Tenali Raman trajo a su gato y dijo: “Mi rey. Mi gato hará algo que ningún otro gato del mundo hará. Solo deme un tazón de leche.”.


The servant brought one bowl of warm milk. Tenali Raman put his cat in front of the milk. The cat smelled the milk and ran away and hid under Tenali Raman’s clothes.


El sirviente trajo un cuenco de leche tibia. Tenali Raman puso a su gato frente a la leche. El gato olió la leche, se escapó y se escondió debajo de la ropa de Tenali Raman.


The King and the courtiers started to laugh, “How did you train your cat to be afraid of milk? Every cat loves milk. You cat must be the only cat which runs away from milk!”


El Rey y los cortesanos se echaron a reír: “¿Cómo entrenaste a tu gato para que le tema a la leche? A todos los gatos les encanta la leche. ¡Tu gato debe ser el único que huye de la leche!”.


Tenali Raman said, “I wanted to give my cat only the best milk. I used to boil the milk, cool it down and then give it to the cat. When she was a kitten, she was very greedy and tried to drink the boiling milk directly. Even before I could stop her, she burnt her tongue on the milk. Since then, she has been very afraid of milk. ”


Tenali Raman dijo: “Quería darle a mi gata solo la mejor leche. Solía ​​hervir la leche, enfriarla y luego dársela a la gata. Cuando era una gatita, era muy codiciosa y trató de beber la leche hirviendo directamente. Incluso antes de que pudiera detenerla, se quemó la lengua con la leche. Desde entonces, le ha tenido mucho miedo a la leche.”.


The King gave Tenali Raman the 100 gold coins.


El Rey le dio a Tenali Raman las 100 monedas de oro.


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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.

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