Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English Akbar and Birbal – Limosna a los ciegos Once upon a time, King Akbar was walking to the temple with his ministers. He saw a blind man begging in the street. Akbar felt bad for the blind man. Translate
Érase una vez el rey Akbar, quien caminaba hacia el templo con sus ministros. Vio a un ciego mendigando en la calle. Akbar se sintió mal por el ciego.
Akbar said to his ministers, “I wish to give all the Blind people in the kingdom 10 gold coins each.” All the ministers said, “That is an excellent idea, my King. You are so kind.”
Translate Akbar dijo a sus ministros: “Deseo dar a todos los ciegos del reino 10 monedas de oro cada uno.”. Todos los ministros dijeron: “Esa es una excelente idea, mi Rey. Es usted muy amable.”.
Birbal said, “My King. Not all blind people are poor. Many poor people are not blind. Is it fair to give alms to only blind people?”
Translate Birbal dijo: “Mi Rey. No todas las personas ciegas son pobres. Mucha gente pobre no es ciega. ¿Es justo dar una dádiva solo a las personas ciegas?”.
Akbar grew very angry. He said, “I have made up my mind. My ministers, I order you to prepare a list of all blind people in the kingdom by next week.”
Translate Akbar se enojó mucho. Dijo: “He tomado una decisión. Mis ministros, les ordeno que preparen una lista de todas las personas ciegas en el reino para la próxima semana.”.
The ministers prepared the list and showed it to Akbar. Akbar saw the list and it had a list of 800 people in the kingdom. He asked Birbal to review the list.
Translate Los ministros prepararon la lista y se la mostraron a Akbar. Akbar vio la lista, había 800 personas ciegas en el reino. Le pidió a Birbal que revisara la lista.
Birbal took a look at the list and said, “This list is incomplete. I can see that there are many people who are missed out. Please give me one more day and I shall complete the list.” King Akbar said, “I will give you one day to complete the list.”
Translate Birbal echó un vistazo a la lista y dijo: “Esta lista está incompleta. Puedo notar que hay muchas personas que falta. Por favor, deme un día más y completaré la lista.”. El rey Akbar dijo: “Te daré un día para completar la lista.”.
Birbal went to the market and sat down outside the market entrance. He took the frame of an old cot with him and started to weave the cot with string. A courtier passed by and asked Birbal, “Hi Birbal, what are you doing in the market?”
Translate Birbal fue al mercado y se sentó en la entrada. Tomó el armazón de un catre viejo y comenzó a ovillar una cuerda alrededor del catre. Un cortesano pasó y le preguntó a Birbal: “Hola, Birbal, ¿qué está haciendo usted en el mercado?”.
Birbal did not reply to the minister but mumbled something to his servant who wrote something on a scroll. Many people recognized Birbal and went and asked him what he was doing. Birbal ignored all of them.
Translate Birbal no le respondió al ministro, pero murmuró algo a su sirviente, quien escribió en un pergamino. Mucha gente reconoció a Birbal, se le acercaron y le preguntaron qué estaba haciendo. Birbal los ignoró a todos.
Soon Akbar found out that Birbal was in the market weaving a cot. He went to Birbal and said, “My dear Birbal, what are you doing?”
Translate Pronto Akbar se enteró de que Birbal estaba en el mercado envolviendo un catre. Fue hasta Birbal y le preguntó: “Mi querido Birbal, ¿qué estás haciendo?”.
Birbal continued weaving the cot. He took the scroll from his servant’s hand and gave it to Akbar. Birbal said, “Please find the complete list of all blind people in this Kingdom.”
Translate Birbal continuó envolviendo el catre. Tomó el pergamino de la mano de su sirviente y se lo entregó a Akbar. Birbal dijo: “Por favor, mire la lista completa de todas las personas ciegas en este reino.”.
Akbar went through the list and was shocked. His name was the last name in the list. Akbar grew very angry. Akbar said, “Birbal. Why is my name on the list of blind people?”
Translate Akbar revisó la lista y se sorprendió. Su nombre estaba escrito al final de la lista. Akbar se enojó mucho. Akbar dijo: “Birbal. ¿Por qué está mi nombre en la lista de personas ciegas?”.
Birbal said, “You and others on the list saw me weaving a cot. Even after seeing me, you asked me what I was doing. The blind people did not ask me anything and went on their own way.”
Translate Birbal dijo: “Usted y otros en la lista me vieron enrollando una cuerda alrededor de un catre. Incluso después de verme, me preguntaron qué estaba haciendo. Los ciegos no me preguntaron nada y siguieron su propio camino.”.
Akbar laughed and said, “Well done Birbal. You have opened my eyes and proved that I was indeed blind.”
Translate Akbar rió y dijo: “Bien hecho, Birbal. Me has abierto los ojos, y has probado que, ciertamente, yo estaba ciego.”.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.