Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English
Akbar and Birbal – Las Gallinas y el Gallo
One day, Akbar wanted to play a trick on his favourite minister, Birbal. He sent Birbal out on a task. When Birbal was away, Akbar called all his other ministers and asked them to bring an egg the next day. As per the plan, all the ministers except Birbal should carry an egg inside their robes.
TranslateUn día, Akbar quiso gastarle una broma a su ministro favorito, Birbal. Envió a Birbal a cumplir una tarea. Cuando Birbal estaba lejos, Akbar llamó a todos sus otros ministros y les pidió que trajeran un huevo al día siguiente. Según el plan, todos los ministros, excepto Birbal, debían llevar un huevo dentro de sus túnicas.
The next day Akbar said, “I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed that I was in a lake and God appeared before me. He said that all the loyal ministers who can find an egg near the pond. Only those who are not loyal to me shall not be able to find an egg.”
TranslateAl día siguiente, Akbar dijo: “Anoche tuve un sueño muy extraño. Soñé que estaba en un lago y Dios apareció ante mí. Él dijo que todos los ministros leales podrán encontrar un huevo cerca del estanque. Solo aquellos que no me sean leales no podrán encontrar un huevo.”.
Each of the minsters went to the pond and pretended to search. When Birbal was not looking, they would pull out the egg from their robes and show it to everyone. Soon all the ministers except for Birbal had an egg in their hand.
TranslateTodos los ministros fueron al estanque y fingieron buscar. Cuando Birbal no miraba, sacaban el huevo de sus túnicas y se lo mostraban a todos. Pronto todos los ministros, excepto Birbal, tenían un huevo en la mano.
Birbal searched but he could not find any egg and he returned empty handed. When Birbal said that he did not find an egg, all the ministers laughed at him and smiled at each other. Immediately Birbal understood that everyone was playing a prank on him.
TranslateBirbal buscó, pero no pudo encontrar ningún huevo y regresó con las manos vacías. Cuando Birbal dijo que no había encontrado ningún huevo, todos los ministros se burlaron de él y sonrieron los unos a los otros. Birbal comprendió de inmediato que todo el mundo le estaba gastando una broma.
He went near the King and made loud Cockadoodledoo sounds. Those are the sounds of a rooster. The king and his ministers were confused.
The king asked Birbal, “My dear Birbal, why are you crowing like a rooster?”
TranslateSe acercó al Rey e hizo fuertes sonidos de cacareo. Esos eran los sonidos de un gallo. El Rey y sus ministros estaban confundidos.
El Rey le preguntó a Birbal: “Mi querido Birbal, ¿por qué estás cantando como un gallo?”.
Birbal said, “All your ministers are hens and they were able to find an egg. I am a rooster and I cannot lay an egg. However since I am a rooster, this is what I do best.”
The king and the minsters laughed loudly at Birbal’s wit.
TranslateBirbal dijo: “Todos sus ministros son gallinas, por eso pudieron encontrar un huevo. Yo soy un gallo y no puedo poner ningún huevo. Sin embargo, como soy un gallo, esto es lo que mejor hago.”.
El Rey y los ministros rieron a carcajadas del ingenio de Birbal.
Moral: Self confidence helps in dealing with difficult situations.
TranslateMoraleja: La confianza en uno mismo ayuda a lidiar con situaciones difíciles.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.