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El anillo del Rey

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English

Akbar and Birbal – El anillo del Rey


Once upon a time, Akbar lost a ring which was very valuable. The ring was a gift from his father and Akbar became very sad. Akbar asked Birbal to come and see him.


Érase una vez el rey Akbar, a quien se le perdió un anillo muy valioso. El anillo era un regalo de su padre y Akbar estaba muy triste. Akbar le pidió a Birbal que se acercara a verlo.


King Akbar said, “Dear Birbal, please find this ring for me. It was a gift from my father and it is of great value to me.”

Birbal said, “Yes, my lord. I shall find the thief for you by tomorrow.”


El rey Akbar dijo: “Querido Birbal, por favor, busca este anillo por mí. Fue un regalo de mi padre y es de gran valor para mí.”.

Birbal dijo: “Sí, mi Señor. Yo encontraré al ladrón para mañana.”.


The next day, Birbal asked all the courtiers to come close to the throne. Birbal made sure that could see everyone in the crowd.


Al día siguiente, Birbal pidió a todos los cortesanos que se acercaran al trono. Birbal se aseguró de poder ver a todos en la multitud.

Birbal said, “The ring belonging to the King is missing. Among one of you is a thief. And I know who the thief is. He is such a fool.”

Akbar was very surprised and asked, “Who is the thief Birbal?”


Birbal dijo: “El anillo perteneciente al Rey ha desaparecido. Entre ustedes hay un ladrón. Y sé quién es el ladrón. Es un tonto.”.

Akbar se sorprendió mucho y preguntó: “¿Quién es el ladrón, Birbal?”.


Birbal said, “The thief is the one who has a straw stuck on his beard. All the others have a clean beard.”


Birbal dijo: “El ladrón es el que tiene una pajita atorada en la barba. Todos los demás tienen la barba limpia.”.


Immediately, every courtier started to look around to see which one had a straw stuck on the beard. Only one courtier was not looking around and was stroking his beard trying to find the straw.


Inmediatamente todos los cortesanos comenzaron a mirar a su alrededor para ver quién tenía una pajita atorada en la barba. Solo un cortesano no miraba a su alrededor, y se acariciaba la barba tratando de encontrar la pajita.


Birbal pointed at the man and said, “My king, he is the thief. Please ask the guards to search him.”

The guards searched the man and the ring was in his pocket. Akbar became so happy on finding the ring.


Birbal señaló al hombre y dijo: “Mi Rey, él es el ladrón. Por favor, pida a los guardias que lo registren.”.

Los guardias registraron al hombre, y encontraron el anillo en su bolsillo. Akbar se alegró mucho de encontrar el anillo.


He asked Birbal, “How did you know that he was the thief?”

Birbal said, “It is very simple. Everyone was looking around trying to find the thief. Only the true thief was trying to remove a straw from his beard. Of course there was no straw in his beard. Only those who are guilty will try to hide.”


Le preguntó a Birbal: “¿Cómo supiste que él era el ladrón?”.

Birbal dijo: “Es muy simple. Todos miraban a su alrededor tratando de encontrar al ladrón. Solo el verdadero ladrón estaba tratando de quitarse la pajita de la barba. Por supuesto, no había ninguna pajita en su barba. Solo los culpables intentan esconderse.”.


Moral: A guilty mind will always be scared.


Moraleja: Una mente culpable siempre estará asustada.


Hope you had fun learning the Spanish language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.

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