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50 human body organs in Spanish

50 human body organs in Spanish

As a child, did you not start off by learning about your head and toes and fingers. As you grew older, you learnt about how your body has so many organs. You would have definitely come across a chapter as “Organs of the human body”. Well, that’s true for everyone in the world. Similar to how you learnt about the list of organs of the human body in English, a child in Spain learns about the list of organs of the human body in Spanish.

Organs in Spanish
Organs in Spanish

The A1 vocabulary list all Spanish organs is as given below. You can also find Spanish example sentences for each organ.  This list of Spanish organs is one of the most basic and important A1 vocabulary lists that you would need to know as a novice to the Spanish A1 language and in real life.



  1. How do you say the Human body Organs in Spanish?
  2. Do you capitalize organs in Spanish? When to capitalize organs in Spanish?
  3. External organs in Spanish
  4. List of all well known organs
  5. Other organs in Spanish
How do you say Organs in Spanish
How do you say Organs in Spanish

How to say human body Organs in Spanish?

  • WORD: The Spanish translation for “Organ” is “órgano
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The heart is a very important organ.” à El corazón es un órgano muy importante.
  • WORD: The Spanish word for “The Human Body” is “El cuerpo humano”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “There are 206 bones in the human body.” à Hay 206 huesos en el cuerpo humano.


Why is it important that I learn this list?

One of the “most” important topics in Spanish A1 is learning the vocabulary for how to describe your body parts in Spanish. A few examples of when you need to understand parts of the body in Spanish.

  1. You make my blood boil
  2. You make my hear race!
  3. I need to buy some bones for my dog.

Let us go through the vocabulary for Spanish Organs with a few example sentences for the same. Remember, the parts of the body in Spanish and the organs of the human body are lists you have to memorize for life and would be super critical when you visit a doctor so make sure that you get it 100% done!


External organs in Spanish

These are the main body parts in Spanish which you WILL DEFINITELY use daily since they are visible on the outside. You can learn the external body organs in Spanish.

list of external organs in Spanish?
list of external organs in Spanish?
Organ name in EnglishName of the organ in SpanishExample sentence in EnglishSpanish Example sentence
The Eye / eyesEl ojo/los ojosI have two eyes.Tengo dos ojos.
The Ear / earsLa oreja/las orejasI wear earrings because my ears are cute.Uso aretes porque mis orejas son lindas.
The NoseLa narizHe punched me in the nose.Me dio un puñetazo en la nariz.
The TongueLa lenguaI burnt my tongue.me quemé la lengua.
The SkinLa pielI have dry skin.tengo la piel seca
The nailslas uñasTrim your nails!¡Corta tus uñas!
The Tooth / teethEl Diente / los dientesWe have thirty two teeth.Tenemos treinta y dos dientes.
The Vaginala vaginaI have a vagina.tengo una vagina
The Penisel peneHis penis is very long.Su pene es muy largo.
The Testicle / testiclesEl testículo / testículosHe has large testicles and a short penis.Tiene testículos grandes y un pene corto.
The AnusEl anoAn earthworm has a mouth and an anus.Una lombriz de tierra tiene una boca y un ano.
The HairEl peloI have black hair.Tengo el pelo negro.


Human body organs in Spanish

You might need to be more generic in most cases when talking to friends. These are the main body parts in Spanish which you might use on a day to day basis in one way or another. You can learn the parts of the body in Spanish in with articles.

basic organs in Spanish
basic organs in Spanish
Organ name in EnglishName of the organ in SpanishExample sentence in EnglishSpanish Example sentence
The Bone / bonesEl Hueso / huesosThe bones are very weak.Los huesos son muy débiles.
The BloodLa sangreWe need a litre of blood.Necesitamos un litro de sangre.
The HeartEl corazónMy heart pumps blood.Mi corazón bombea sangre.
The Lung / lungsEl pulmón / pulmonesThe horse has very large lungs.El caballo tiene pulmones muy grandes.
The Brain / brainsEl cerebro / cerebrosThe brain is the most important organ.El cerebro es el órgano más importante.
The StomachEl estómagoHis stomach was empty.Su estómago estaba vacío.
The Kidney / kidneysEl Riñón / riñonesThe doctor removed a kidney.El médico extrajo un riñón.
The LiverEl hígadoAlcohol affects the liver.El alcohol afecta al hígado.
The Pancreasel páncreasI do not have a pancreas.No tengo páncreas.


Specialized organs in Spanish

You might need to be specific in some cases when talking to doctors. These are the more specific body parts in Spanish which you might use when describing an illness to you doctor.

specialized organs in Spanish
specialized organs in Spanish
Organ name in EnglishName of the organ in SpanishExample sentence in EnglishSpanish Example sentence
The Muscle / musclesEl músculo / los músculosThe athlete has large muscles.El atleta tiene músculos grandes.
The Ligament / ligamentsEl ligamento / ligamentosI need physiotherapy to strengthen my ligaments.Necesito fisioterapia para fortalecer mis ligamentos.
The Tissue / tissuesEl Tejido / tejidosI need physiotherapy to strengthen my ligaments and tissues.Necesito fisioterapia para fortalecer mis ligamentos y tejidos.
The Artery / arteriesLa Arteria / arteriasThere is impure blood in the arteries.Hay sangre impura en las arterias.
The vein / veinsLa vena / venasVeins and arteries are quite long.Las venas y las arterias son bastante largas.
The Tendon / tendonsEl tendón / tendonesThe surgeon removed the tendons.El cirujano extrajo los tendones.
The capillary / capillariesEl capilar / capilaresWhat do capillaries do?¿Qué hacen los capilares?
The Tonsilslas amígdalasThe doctor looked at my tonsils.El doctor miró mis amígdalas.
The Nerve / nervesEl Nervio / nerviosA human being has many nerves.Un ser humano tiene muchos nervios.
The Small intestineEl intestino delgadoThe small intestine is longer than the large intestine.El intestino delgado es más largo que el intestino grueso.
The Large intestineEl intestino gruesoHis large intestines are infected.Su intestino grueso está infectado.


Second extended list of organs

Organ name in EnglishName of the organ in SpanishExample sentence in EnglishSpanish Example sentence
The Genitalslos genitalesI like my genitals.Me gustan mis genitales.
The Gall bladderla vesícula biliarThe gall bladder is not an important organ.La vesícula biliar no es un órgano importante.
The DiaphragmEl diafragmaThe diaphragm is below the lungs.El diafragma está debajo de los pulmones.
The Mammary GlandsLas glándulas mamariasA dog has eight mammary glands.Un perro tiene ocho glándulas mamarias.
The SpleenEl bazoWhere is the spleen?¿Dónde está el bazo?
The Spinal CordLa medula espinalYour spinal cord is injured.Su médula espinal está lesionada.
The Ovary / OvariesEl Ovario / OvariosWomen have ovaries.Las mujeres tienen ovarios.
The Thyroid Glandla glándula tiroidesThe thyroid gland and the adrenal glands are very small.La glándula tiroides y las glándulas suprarrenales son muy pequeñas.
The SkeletonEl esqueletoWe found the skeleton yesterday.Encontramos el esqueleto ayer.


Hope you had fun learning about the different organs in Spanish.

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