Colors and Shapes of eyes in Spanish
The eyes are one of the most important organs in the body. It is the most important connection to perception as we can understand what we can see. We see and we perceive, we see and we believe. Also one of the most common topics when it comes to talking to a lover is by describing how beautiful their eyes are. So it becomes very important that we learn as much as we can related to the eyes in Spanish. Hence in this post, we will be learning about a comprehensive vocabulary lists in relation to the eyes in Spanish with tons and tons of example sentences.

- How to say “Eyes in Spanish”?
- Pronunciation Guide
- Parts of the eyes in Spanish
- Glasses and Spectacles in Spanish
- Eye Diseases in Spanish
- Learn eye colors in Spanish
- Eye shapes in Spanish
- Lover Talk related to the eyes in Spanish
How to say Eyes in Spanish?
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “the eye” is “el ojo”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The eye is an important organ” à El ojo es un órgano importante.
- WORD: The Spanish word for “the eyes” is “los ojos”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “A snake has two eyes.” à Una serpiente tiene dos ojos.
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “one eye” is “un ojo”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The earthworm has one eye.” à La lombriz tiene un ojo.
What are the parts of the eyes in Spanish?
Close your eyes… yes I know it’s ironic or even eyeronic!!! Quickly name the different parts of the eyes. You have the white bit, the circle bit, the smaller circle bit, an eyelid, eye lashes and the eye brow… Whew.. it’s a small list thankfully!!! In the table below, you can learn how to say the names of all the parts of the Eye in Spanish. This will help you expand your basic Spanish A1 vocabulary list and will help you have to see the eye doctor. So let us learn about the parts of the eye in Spanish.

English | Spanish | Example sentence | Same sentences in Spanish |
The cornea | la cornea | The cornea is transparent in color. | La córnea es de color transparente. |
The sclera (white of the eye) | La esclerótica (parte blanca del ojo) | The sclera must be white in color. | La esclerótica debe ser de color blanco. |
The iris | el iris | I am blind and my iris is grey in color. | Soy ciego y mi iris es de color gris. |
The pupil | la pupila | There is a small injury in the cornea and the pupil. | Hay una pequeña lesión en la córnea y la pupila. |
The eyelash / eyelashes | La pestaña/las pestañas | Your eye lashes are beautiful. | Tus pestañas son hermosas. |
The eyebrow / eyebrows | La ceja / las cejas | The man shaved his eyebrows. | El hombre se afeitó las cejas. |
The eyelid / eyelids | El párpado / los párpados | The owl has three eyelids. | El búho tiene tres párpados. |
Glasses or Spectacles in Spanish
Half the people in the world wear glasses. Most of the people in the world would have worn sunglasses at some point in their lives. Is it thus not important to know about the different spectacles in Spanish? In the table below, you can learn the names of all the vocabulary related to Glasses in Spanish or Spectacles in Spanish.

Spectacles | Spectacles in Spanish | Example sentence in English | Same sentences in Spanish |
spectacles | las gafas / | My mother has four spectacles. | Mi madre tiene cuatro anteojos. |
The contact lenses | las lentes de contacto | My daughter wears contact lenses. | Mi hija usa lentes de contacto. |
The eye patch | el parche en el ojo | Pirates wear eye patches. | Los piratas usan parches en los ojos. |
The sunglasses | las gafas de sol | The sunglasses are cute. | Las gafas de sol son lindas. |
The monocle | el monóculo | Winston Churchill had a monocle. | Winston Churchill tenía un monóculo. |
Eye Diseases in Spanish
Whenever you have to go to the eye doctor, you need to be careful. In France or in any Spanish speaking country, the doctors might be able to explain the problem only in Spanish. You should be able to know all the common eye diseases in Spanish Let us know learn about the Diseases related to eyes in Spanish.

English Vocab | Spanish Translation | Example sentence in English | Same sentences in Spanish |
Heterochromia | heterocromía | Heterochromia is very rare. | La heterocromía es muy rara. |
Conjunctivitis | Conjuntivitis | I have conjunctivitis and so I must sleep. | Tengo conjuntivitis y por eso debo dormir. |
Cataract | Catarata | Cataract operations are safe. | Las operaciones de cataratas son seguras. |
Nearsighted (myopia) | Miopía (miopía) | Are you nearsighted? Do you have myopia. | ¿Eres miope? ¿Tienes miopía? |
Farsighted (hyperopia) | Hipermetropía (hipermetropía) | Are you farsighted? Do you have hyperopia? | ¿Eres hipermétrope? ¿Tienes hipermetropía? |
Glaucoma | Glaucoma | Glaucoma is dangerous and can cause blindness. | El glaucoma es peligroso y puede causar ceguera. |
Colour blind | Daltónico | Dogs are colour blind. | Los perros son daltónicos. |
Different eye colors in Spanish
You are in Spain and on a date, a date with an amazing Spanish dude / dudette. He (or she) sits opposite to you and you stare deeply into his eyes. The eyes are of a very beautiful colour. You wanna impress you date and so want to ask about the colour or of their eyes in Spanish. How do you do it?
- ENGLISH SENTENCE: Translation for “What color are your eyes?” in Spanish?
- SPANISH SENTENCE: The translation “What color are your eyes?” in Spanishà ¿De qué color son tus ojos?
Now how does your date respond?
- ENGLISH SENTENCE: Translation for “I have blue eyes.” in Spanish?
- SPANISH SENTENCE: The translation I have blue eyes in Spanishà Tengo ojos azules.

Similarly, let us learn about the different eye colors in Spanish
Eye Colors | Spanish | Example sentences in English | Same sentences in Spanish |
brown eyes | Ojos cafés | She has brown eyes. | Ella tiene ojos cafés. |
grey eyes | ojos grises | You have grey eyes. | Tienes ojos grises. |
black eyes | ojos negros | The Asian man has black eyes | El hombre asiático tiene ojos negros. |
green eyes | ojos verdes | Many Europeans have green eyes. | Muchos europeos tienen ojos verdes. |
amber eyes | ojos ambar | My wife has amber eyes and they are gorgeous. | Mi esposa tiene ojos color ámbar y son hermosos. |
violet eyes | ojos violetas | Have you seen violet eyes? | ¿Has visto ojos violetas? |
hazel eyes | ojos color avellana | I love hazel collared eyes | Me encantan los ojos color avellana |
blue eyes | ojos azules | The wolf has blue eyes | el lobo tiene ojos azules |
Grey blue eyes | ojos azul gris | Polar bears have Grey blue eyes | Los osos polares tienen ojos azul grisáceo |
White eyes | ojos blancos | The blind man has white eyes | El ciego tiene los ojos blancos. |
Light blue eyes | ojos celestas | My son has light blue eyes. | Mi hijo tiene ojos celestes. |
Purple eyes | Ojos morados | The hero has purple eyes | El héroe tiene ojos morados. |
Shapes of the eyes in Spanish
You know that different people have different eye shapes. Some people have round eyes while some people have slanted eyes. I like people who have almond shaped eyes while you may like people who have large eyes. Small eyes may indicate intelligence while cross eyes (through no fault of their own) are ridiculed. Let us learn about the different shapes of the eyes in Spanish

Eye Shapes | Eye Shapes in Spanish | Example sentence in English | sentences in Spanish |
Slit eyes (or) slanted eyes | ojos rasgados | Most Asians have slanted eyes. | La mayoría de los asiáticos tienen los ojos rasgados. |
round eyes | ojos redondos | The woman has round eyes. | La mujer tiene ojos redondos. |
almond shaped eyes | Ojos almendrados | The supermodel has almond shaped eyes. | La supermodelo tiene ojos almendrados. |
large eyes | ojos grandes | Children have large eyes. | Los niños tienen ojos grandes. |
small eyes | ojos pequeños | Do you have small eyes? | ¿Tienes ojos pequeños? |
Lover Talk in Spanish…..
The eyes are considered as a reflection of one’s beauty. You often compliment your partner on their beautiful eye. So you must know how to do this kind of lover talk in Spanish as well
- One of the most common sentences one can say to their lover is that their eyes are very pretty. The Spanish translation for “your eyes are pretty” is “tus ojos son bonitos”
- Another very common sentence that I usually say to my wife is that her eyes are very beautiful. The Spanish translation for “You have beautiful eyes” is “tienes ojos hermosos”
- The Spanish translation for “I love your eyes” is “amo tus ojos”
Simple questions and Answers
Let us have a small test. Try and answer as many questions as you can honestly!!!
How to say brown eyes in Spanish? | Ojos cafés |
How to say blue eyes in Spanish? | Ojos azules |
How do you say green eyes in Spanish? | Ojos verdes |
How do you say Hazel eyes in Spanish | ojos color avellana |
How do you say grey blue eyes in Spanish | ojos azul gris |
How do you say dark blue eyes in Spanish | ojos azul oscuro |
How do you say bluish green eyes in Spanish | ojos verde azulados |
How do you say grey eyes in Spanish | Ojos grises |
How do you say black eyes in Spanish | ojos negros |
Finally on more list
English | Spanish |
What colour are your eyes? | ¿De que color son tus ojos? |
I have green eyes. | Tengo ojos verdes. |
My eyes are black in color. | Mis ojos son de color negro. |
Do you wear glasses? | ¿Usas lentes? |
I wear contact lenses. | Uso lentes de contacto. |