The Fox and the Pheasants – Aesop’s Fables
Aesop’s Fables has a large number of stories and some of them such as the Red riding hood, the honest woodcutter and many more are well known across the world. The story of the “The Fox and the Pheasants” also has other names and is called as “the wily fox and the pheasants”. It is the story of a wily fox who tricked four plump pheasants who were sitting on top of a tree.
Once upon a time, there was a Fox who lived in the forest. The fox was very hungry and was looking for something to eat. He saw four plump pheasants sitting on top of a tree.
He decided, “I must eat these pheasants. They look so tasty.”
The Fox was very smart and wily. He stood in the moonlight and stood up on his two legs and began to howl.
He began to dance slowly by shaking his tail and his body.
He went round and round.
He hopped up and he hopped down.
He moved left and he moved right.
He was slow and then he was fast.
The fox saw that when he moved left, all four pheasants turned left to see him.
The fox saw that when he moved right, all four pheasants turned right to see him.
The Fox thought, “I know how to trick these pheasants.”
The pheasants were staring at him in wonder.
The fox jumped up a rock, fell down and did not move. He then jumped up and ran again in circles.
The fox quickly ran around the tree very quickly. The birds did not want to miss the scene. He turned quickly to look at what he was doing.
The birds slipped and fell down to the Fox.
What is the moral of the story?
The moral of the story “The Fox and the Pheasants” is “Too much attention to danger may cause us to fall victims to it.” The alternative moral is “Mind your own business”
Other stories which you can read
The Dog and the Hides |
The Cock, The Dog and the Fox |
The Farmer and the Snake |
The Farmer and the Stork |
The Cat and the Birds |
Questions on “The Fox and the Pheasants“
- Who are the main characters of the story?
- what did the fox want?
- How did the fox trick the birds?
- Explain is the moral of the story?
- The main characters of the story are a Fox and four Pheasants.
- He was very hungry and was looking for something to eat. He saw four plump pheasants sitting on top of a tree and decided that he must trick and eat the pheasants.
- The fox quickly ran around the tree very quickly. The birds did not want to miss the scene. He turned quickly to look at what he was doing. The birds slipped and fell down to the Fox.
- The moral of the story is “Too much attention to danger may cause us to fall victims to it.” The alternative moral is “Mind your own business”
The Fox and the Pheasants – PDF
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