The Fox and the Lion – Aesop’s Fables
Aesop’s Fables has a large number of stories and some of them such as the Red riding hood, the honest woodcutter and many more are well known across the world. The story of the “The Fox and the Lion” also has other names and is called as “The old Lion and the fox” or a version is also called as “The Fox and the Sick Lion”. It is the story of a very old lion who tricks animals saying that he was sick and then eats them and a fox who has a chat with him.

Once upon a time, there was Lion who was old. The Lion was slow and could not hunt anymore. One day he was thinking and had a brilliant idea and pretended to be sick.
A foolish rabbit came hopping along. The rabbit hopped near the cave saw the old lion lying there. The Lion started to groan and moan.
The Rabbit asked, “How are you, Mr. Lion? You do not seem very well”.
The Lion said, “I am so sick and have a fever. Please come and feel how hot my head is.”
The foolish rabbit went into the cave. The lion jumped on him and gobbled him up and that was the end of the rabbit.
A foolish sheep came trotting along. The sheep trotted near the cave saw the old lion lying there. The Lion started to groan and moan.
The Sheep asked, “How are you, Mr. Lion? You do not seem very well”.
The Lion said, “I am so sick and have a fever. Please come and feel how hot my head is.”
The foolish Sheep went into the cave. The lion jumped on him and gobbled him up and that was the end of the sheep.
Swish, Swish, Swish!
A wily Fox came along with its tail swishing. The fox went near the cave saw the old lion lying there. The Lion started to groan and moan.
The Fox asked, “How are you, Mr. Lion? You do not seem very well”.
The Lion said, “I am so sick and have a fever. Please come and feel how hot my head is.”
The wily Fox said, “Oh no! Mr. Lion, I see many footprints going into your cave, but no footprints coming out. You are dangerous, Mr. Lion. Good bye!”
The fox ran away as fast as he could.
What is the moral of the story?
The moral of the story “The Fox and the Lion” is “Learn from the mistakes of others.”. The alternative moral is “Always be cautious among the cruel”
Other stories which you can read
The Dog and the Hides |
The Cock, The Dog and the Fox |
The Farmer and the Snake |
The Farmer and the Stork |
The Cat and the Birds |
Questions on “The Fox and the Lion“
- Who are the main characters of the story?
- Was the lion able to hunt?
- How did the lion trick the animals?
- What animals did the lion successfully trick?
- How did the fox find out that the lion was dangerous?
- What is the moral of the story?
- The main characters of the story are a Fox and a Lion
- No, the lion was very old and was not able to hunt.
- The lion pretended to be sick and when the animals came closer to check, he would pounce f them and eat them.
- The lion successfully tricked the rabbit and the goat and ate them.
- The fox saw many footprints going into the lions cave cave, but no footprints coming out. So he deduced that the lion was dangerous,
- The moral of the story “The Fox and the Lion” is “Learn from the mistakes of others.”. The alternative moral is “Always be cautious among the cruel”
The Fox and the Lion – PDF
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