The Travellers and the Plane tree – Y Teithwyr a’r goeden Platanus
Once upon a time, there were two travellers. They were walking from one town to another town.
The sun was bright and it was very hot. They were very tired and could no longer walk.
“Look. A plane tree! It is so shady under it. We can go and rest under the tree.”
“Sir Plane tree, can I come and rest under you? It is very hot”, said the traveller to the tree.
“But of course” said the tree and the travellers came and sat under the tree.
TranslateUnwaith, roedd dau deithiwr. Roeddent yn cerdded o un dref i dref arall.
Roedd yr haul yn llachar ac roedd hi’n boeth iawn. Roeddent yn flinedig iawn ac ni allent gerdded mwyach.
“Edrychwch. Coeden platanus! Mae mor gysgodol oddi tano. Fe allwn ni fynd i orffwys o dan y goeden. ”
“Syr coeden Platanus, a gaf i ddod i orffwys oddi tanoch chi? Mae’n boeth iawn ”, meddai’r teithiwr wrth y goeden.
“Ond wrth gwrs” meddai’r goeden ac fe wnaeth y teithwyr ddod ac eistedd o dan y goeden.
After some time, the travellers looked up the tree and saw that there were no fruits.
“My dear Plane tree, don’t you have any fruits?” said the travellers to the tree
“No, I cannot make any fruits”, said the tree to the travellers and smiled widely.
“Oh Ok. So you cannot give me any food to eat” said the travellers and smirked.
TranslateAr ôl peth amser, edrychodd y teithwyr i fyny ar y goeden a gweld nad oedd unrhyw ffrwythau.
“Fy annwyl goeden Platanus, onid oes gennych chi unrhyw ffrwythau?” meddai’r teithwyr wrth y goeden
“Na, ni allaf wneud unrhyw ffrwythau”, meddai’r goeden wrth y teithwyr a gwenu’n eang.
“O, iawn. Felly ni allwch roi unrhyw fwyd i mi ei fwyta ”meddai’r teithwyr a gwenu.
After some time, the travellers looked up the tree and saw that there were no flowers.
“My dear Plane tree, don’t you have any flowers?” said the travellers to the tree
“No, I cannot make any flowers”, said the tree to the travellers and smiled widely.
“Oh Ok. So you cannot give me any flowers to smell” said the travellers and smirked.
TranslateAr ôl peth amser, edrychodd y teithwyr i fyny ar y goeden a gweld nad oedd blodau.
“Fy annwyl goeden Platanus, onid oes gennych chi unrhyw flodau?” meddai’r teithwyr wrth y goeden
“Na, ni allaf wneud unrhyw flodau”, meddai’r goeden wrth y teithwyr a gwenu’n eang.
“O, iawn. Felly ni allwch roi unrhyw flodau i mi arogli ”meddai’r teithwyr a gwenu.
After some time, the travellers looked up the tree and saw that the wood was very weak.
“My dear Plane tree, don’t you have any strong wood which we can use?” said the travellers to the tree
“No, my wood is weak”, said the tree to the travellers and smiled widely.
TranslateAr ôl peth amser, edrychodd y teithwyr i fyny ar y goeden a gweld bod y pren yn wan iawn.
“Fy annwyl goeden Platanus, onid oes gennych chi unrhyw bren cryf y gallwn ei ddefnyddio?” meddai’r teithwyr wrth y goeden
“Na, mae fy mhren yn wan”, meddai’r goeden wrth y teithwyr a gwenu’n eang.
“Oh Ok. So you cannot give me anything useful. You cannot make tasty fruits. You cannot make good smelling flowers. You cannot make strong wood. You must be the most useless tree of all. And yet you smile so widely like a fool” said the travellers and laughed.
Translate“O, iawn. Felly ni allwch roi unrhyw beth defnyddiol i mi. Ni allwch wneud ffrwythau blasus. Ni allwch wneud blodau sy’n arogli’n dda. Ni allwch wneud pren cryf. Rhaid i chi fod y goeden fwyaf diwerth i gyd. Ac eto rydych chi’n gwenu mor eang fel ffŵl ”meddai’r teithwyr a chwerthin.
“Do not be so ungrateful. I may not produce flowers with a beautiful smell. I may not produce tasty fruit. I may not produce strong wood. But at this very moment, I am giving you shade from the sun. You are refreshed and alive only because of me” said the tree and continued to smile.
Translate“Peidiwch â bod mor anniolchgar. Efallai na fyddaf yn cynhyrchu blodau gydag arogl hardd. Efallai na fyddaf yn cynhyrchu ffrwythau blasus. Efallai na fyddaf yn cynhyrchu pren cryf. Ond ar yr union foment hon, rydw i’n rhoi cysgod i chi o’r haul. Rydych chi wedi’ch adfywio ac yn fyw dim ond oherwydd fi ”meddai’r goeden a pharhau i wenu.
Moral: All of God’s creations have a good purpose. We should never belittle the creations of God.
TranslateMoesol: Mae pwrpas da i holl greadigaethau Duw. Ni ddylem fyth bychanu creadigaethau Duw.