The Miller, his Son and the Ass – 粉屋と彼の息子とロバ
Once upon a time, in a small quiet village, there lived a Miller and his son. The Miller had a donkey which he wanted to sell in the market. The market was in the next town.
So the farmer and his son set off with the donkey to try and sell him for a good price. The father thought, “If we ride the donkey, he will become tired once he reaches the town. If the donkey looks tired, nobody will buy him and I shall look like a fool.”
So the farmer and the son tied a rope around the donkey’s neck and the three of them walked towards the market.
On the way towards the market, they saw a few travellers walking down the road. They said, “What fools! The father should ride the donkey as he is elderly. The son is young and should walk beside the father. The most stupid among the three is not the Ass perhaps.”
市場に向かう途中、彼らは数人の旅人が歩いているのを見ました。彼らは言いました 「なんて馬鹿なことだ!父親は年寄りなんだからロバに乗るべきだ。息子は若いんだから父親の隣で歩くべきだ。 3人の中で最も間抜けなのはおそらくロバじゃないようだね。」
The father was very angry and climbed on top of the donkey. He said, “No one should call me a fool. I shall ride the donkey and my son will walk beside me.”
After some time, they saw a few more travellers walking down the road. They said, “What a cruel father! The father rides the donkey and his poor son is walking. The son is too young to walk and should ride the donkey. The father should walk beside the donkey.”
The father was very angry and climbed down the donkey. His son climbed the donkey. He said, “No one should say that I am cruel. My son shall ride the donkey and I will walk beside him0.”
After some time, they saw a few more travellers walking down the road. They said, “What fools! The son rides the donkey and his poor father is walking. The donkey can of course carry both of them. The most stupid among the three is not the Ass perhaps.”
しばらくすると、彼らはさらに数人の旅人が歩いているのを見ました。彼らは言いました 「なんて間抜けなんだ!息子はロバに乗って、彼のかわいそうな父親は歩いているぞ。もちろん、ロバは両方を運部ことができるさ。 3人の中で最も間抜けなのはおそらくロバじゃないようだね」
The father was very angry and asked his son to climb the donkey. He said, “No one should say that I am a fool. My son and I shall ride the donkey together
After some time, they saw a few more travellers walking down the road. They said, “What cruel people! The donkey cannot carry both of them. Look at how badly it suffers. They should carry the donkey instead of the donkey carrying them!”
Translate父親はとても腹が立って、息子にロバに登るように指示しました 彼は言いました「誰も私が間抜けだと言わせない。私は息子と一緒にロバに乗ろう 。」
しばらくすると、彼らはさらに数人の旅人が 歩いているのを見ました。彼らは言いました 「なんて残酷な人々なんだ!ロバは両方を運べないよ。ロバがどれほどひどく苦しんでいるかを見てよ。ロバが彼らを運ぶのではなく、彼らがロバを運ぶべきだ!」
The father became very angry and tied the donkey to a stick. Both the son and the father carried the donkey to the market. They soon reached the market.
In the market, everyone laughed at the two and said, “They are carrying the donkey. Perhaps it cannot walk. A donkey which cannot walk is useless. We shall not buy the donkey!”
And so, no one purchased the donkey from the father and the son. They returned back to their home, sad but wiser.
Moral: “If you try to please all, you please none.”