The Farmer and His Sons
The story “The Farmer and his sons” is one of the most famous stories in the world and comes from the grand collection of the Aesop’s Fables. It is the story of a kind farmer who had three very lazy sons who never used to do any work… Read on about the story of the farmer and how he changes his sons.

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a large farm. He had three sons who were very lazy. They did not help him. They used to eat and sleep all day. The farmer was very hard working and used to take care of his farm.
One day the farmer felt that he was growing old. He knew that his sons were lazy. So he decided that he would play a trick to make them understand.
He called his three sons and said, “Sons, listen to me carefully. I have ploughed the fields for many years. Do you know why? There is a large pot of gold hidden in the farm. For many years, I searched for this pot alone. I am now growing old and cannot search anymore. Dig the entire field and you will find the treasure!”
The three sons were very excited. A pot of gold would mean that they did not need to work ever again. They dug the farm all day and night and could not find the pot.
However, the three sons had dug the farm very well. During the harvest time, the farm produced a very large crop. The sons made a very large profit.
The sons came to the father and said, “We now understand what you mean by the pot of Gold. We have found our treasure. Our treasure is farming.”
Moral of the story:
“Industry is itself a treasure.”
Other stories which you can read
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The Cock, The Dog and the Fox |
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Questions on “The Farmer and his sons“
- Who are the main characters of the story?
- Was the farmer hard working?
- Did the sons work hard?
- How did the farmer trick the sons?
- What happens at the end of the story?
- What is the moral of the story?
- The main characters of the story are a farmer and all of his children.
- The farmer was very hard working.
- The sons were very lazy
- The farmer told them that he had hidden a pot of gold in the farm and that he could not find it.
- The farm was very successful and they made a lot of money. The sons understood that their actual treasure is farming.”
- The moral of the Aesop’s Fable is that “Industry is itself a treasure.”
The Farmer and His Sons – PDF
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