The Ass the Fox and the Lion

The Ass the Fox and the Lion

Those who love Aesop’s Fables might know the story of the “The Ass the Fox and the Lion“. It is the story of a fox and a donkey which were great friends. When they both come across a lion, the fox shows its true colors since he tries to betray the donkey…..

The Ass the fox and the lion
The Ass the fox and the lion


Once upon a time, a Fox was good friends with an Ass. The Ass used to eat the grass in the farm. The Fox used to eat a chicken once in a while or steal some cheese.

One day they were walking around the forest when they came across a Lion. They both became very frightened.

The Donkey said, “My friend, the Lion will surely kill us. He is so scary!”

The Fox was very cunning. He decided that he will betray the Donkey and escape.

He said to the Donkey, “Don’t worry. I will talk to the Lion and trick him.”

The Fox walked up to the Lion boldly and said, “My great King, your highness, the great Lion. I have a very stupid friend. If you promise not to hurt me, I shall lead him to a deep pit so that he cannot escape. You can just go in and eat him easily.”

The Lion looked at him and agreed to the terms of the Fox.

The Fox went to the Donkey and said loudly, “He promised that he won’t hurt us since he has already finished his dinner. Let us hide before he wants to eat us!”

The Donkey said, “You are such a good friend. I shall follow you.”

The lion was watching silently as the Fox took the Donkey into a deep ditch and came out. The Lion looked at him and pounced on top of his throat.

“You just betrayed your friend. How do I know that you won’t betray me as well?”


Moral of the story:

The moral of the story “The ass the fox and the lion” is “Traitors may expect treachery.”


Other stories which you can read

The Dog and the Hides
The Cock, The Dog and the Fox
The Farmer and the Snake
The Farmer and the Stork
The Cat and the Birds


Questions on “The Ass the Fox and the Lion

  1. Who are the main characters of the story?
  2. What happened when the Ass and the Fox saw the Lion?
  3. What did the fox say to the lion?
  4. What happened at the end of the story?
  5. What is the moral of the story?



  1. The main characters of the story are a Ass a Fox and a Lion.
  2. When they came across a Lion, they both became very frightened.  The Fox was very cunning and decided that he will betray the Donkey and escape.
  3. The Fox walked up to the Lion boldly and said, “My great King, your highness, the great Lion. I have a very stupid friend. If you promise not to hurt me, I shall lead him to a deep pit so that he cannot escape. You can just go in and eat him easily.”
  4. The Lion looked pounced on top of the fox after he betrayed the donkey saying “You just betrayed your friend. How do I know that you won’t betray me as well?”
  5. The moral of the story “The ass the fox and the lion” is “Traitors may expect treachery.”


The Ass the Fox and the Lion – PDF

Looking for the free downloadable PDF version of the English Aesop Fable “The Lion, the fox and the Ass” ? If so, you’ve come to the right place. You can click on the link below to download the free story in PDF version format.

The Ass the Fox and the Lion – PDF

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